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To: Lorianne
The government is also eyeballing your IRA, 401(k) and pension even now. Stealing it from you and replacing it with government paper would knock a big hole in the so-called “government debt” and prop up the system for a while longer.

Many people talk a big game, and say "If the Government did that, it would be Civil War II!!!"

No it wouldn't. People would be indredibly depressed and angry, but there would be very little they could do about it. And forget about the courts making things right. Plus, the "Takers", the UN, and the Vatican would rejoice and sanction the theft. Mark my words.

And if you made any trouble, they will deny you Medicaid, Social Security, any form of private or public pension, and anything else they can think of.

8 posted on 08/12/2015 3:36:17 PM PDT by SkyPilot ("I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6)
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To: SkyPilot
its okay to post that the feds will take our 401's but what about an option?.....what are we supposed to do?....

take your money a huge tax...then what?...put it in a regular savings account that gets less than 1% interest and pay tax on that interest?

15 posted on 08/14/2015 10:28:51 AM PDT by cherry
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