Posted on 08/11/2015 4:40:24 AM PDT by HomerBohn
Christians and conservatives continue to be hoodwinked by FOX News. Not only has the organization been supporting the sodomite agenda, but they have also been one of the top ten donors to the Clinton Family since 1992.
Michael Lotfi reported:
To many, it seems contrary to intuition that Fox News could be one of the Clinton familys largest donors for the better part of two decades. Check your intuition at the door- its true. According to Federal Election Commission and Center for Responsive Politics data, 21st Century Fox News Corp. has donated more than $3 million to Clinton family accounts. Overall, this lands Fox as the Clinton familys 9th largest donor over the course of the familys political involvement.
Top corporate and union donors to the Clintons over two decades, compared with top corporate and union donors to Obamas 2012 campaign.
Open Secrets also confirms the report above.
Sadly, too many people think that FOX is giving them the truth all the time. They war against others who watch MSNBC, CNN, and the various other alphabet media corporations, who are basically owned by a few.
This is why it is always a good idea to watch or listen with discernment no matter who is reporting news to you. Personally, I would rather someone present to me the documentation and let me view it for myself, something I have often tried to do here. I make no attempt to disguise my bias towards Christianity, law or the Constitution. Otherwise, how would one know if someone was being unethical? Yet, I still make attempts to provide the documentation and if people want to continue on in their ignorance, that is their decision.
Considering the information above, one does find it ironic that the FOX hosts on Thursday evening would have asked Donald Trump about money he gave to Hillary Clinton:
The fact that Trump claims Socialist, single-payer healthcare works in Canada and Scotland just points out that he does not believe in freedom, but socialism. The fact that the father of the Canada system claims it is a failure must have slipped Trumps mind at the time. Scotland is pretty much the same deal. Ill have more on the questionable actions of Donald Trump soon, but the point is that he was asked about this by talking heads whose company has supported the Clintons to the tune of over $3 million!
Hello pot? This is kettle!
You are right, and the American people are nearly always wrong.
Well I’m shocked.
Marxist media.
The Wall Street Journal, also owned by Murdoch, is unabashedly rooting for PIAPS and Yeb on their front pages as “news” items, not just editorial pages.
Bill's honoraria increased dramatically---earning some $50 million during Hillary's four-year term as secretary of State....including an Irish scholarship fund, a Korean conglomerate, and, a Nigerian newspaper company......each of whom paid Clinton more than half a million dollars for a single speech.
The Wash/Post reports Hillary earned $11.7 million for 51 speeches since Jan 2014.....she pocketed an astonishing $625,000 for two speeches in one day!
I firmly believe the Clinton Foundation's gigantic donor list, and their astonishing blizzard of speaking honoraria, are a smoke screen for their secret wealth----and the way they make billions sub rosa---intertwining their vaunted "charity" work and public office.
The calculated Clintons have sought to branch out into other business activities......though little is known about the exact nature and financial worth of Bill and Hillarys non-speech business interests.
Recent reports indicate the Clintons were party to multi-billion dollar Mideast arms deals....Kazakhstan uranium mines....and Haitian gold mines...oil deals....telecom businesses, financial powerhouses like Teneo, Goldman Sachs.....etc etc etc.
THE CON ARTIST CLINTONS GRABBED EVERYTHNG THAT WASNT NAILED DOWN---Lucrative business interests were cunningly intertwined w/ the Foundation's "do-good" activities....enabled by Hillary's catbird seat at the State Dept.
At last count the Clintons apparently raised $2billion from their foundation activities and their political campaigns.....
.....does not include monies flowing in from the various lucrative business ventures, interest accrued, safe deposit boxes, real estate assets, passive income on which they pay no taxes, income from Chelsea's hubby's hedge fund, monies invested in Goldman Sachs, interest in financial powerhouse Teneo..... etc etc etc.......
They are worth a bundle.....accumulated in record time.
more below
Switch to One America News, if you can get it. Much better delivery of actual news.
Big media = big government = big political establishment
Circa 2010--Ex-Pres Clinton in Moscow having a laugh w/ Putin.
as strategic US uranium deposits were sold off to Russia for Big Bucks.
With all the top-level intel available to him, can Americans actually believe:
<><>Obama was oblivious to the Clintons jerking around US foreign policy?
<><> Obama knew nothing of Hillary and Sid Blumenthal's emails WRT Iran (the man Obama banned from US govt employment)?
<><> Obama knew nothing about the Clinton Foundation/slush fund buck-raking activities?
<><> Obama never noticed Bill Clinton trotting around the globe?
<><> Obama never noticed the Clinton "charity" used to worm his way into the confidences of foreign leaders.... but only those leaders w/ untapped reserves of gold, uranium, oil, and other valuable commodities?
<><> Obama never knew Hillary's brother got a gold-mining permit in Haiti?
As an incentive to drop out of the 2008 primary, Hillary got State. She ran it like a shadow govt.... w/ Billsy hovering over the server, taking notes WRT buck-raking opportunities available from Secy Hillary's actions OR inaction.
Secy Hillary never e-v-e-r uttered a discouraging word the Clinton Foundation sucked up hundred of millions of foreign dollars from shady characters.
The avaricious Clintons devised hundreds of obscure programs to collect billions.....bragging about do-goodism, how the money was supposedly dispersed to "assist" endless charitable projects.
The Clintons deposit Obama's cut into his two "foundations" (two that we know of). Living the cushy life--getting rich on other people's misfortune.
UPDATE Recent IG criminal inquiries into Hillary's secret emails tell a huge story. The days of Obama protecting the Clintons seem to be over.
In his book, The Rich and Super Rich, Ferdinand Lundberg observes that when L/E goes after criminals, it signals that the protection payoff wasn't big enough to keep the law at bay.
Looks like Obama's been reading the Clinton Chronicles WRT how much they're pulling in.... Obama apparently feels he got shortchanged.
Newsmax is also a huge clinton donor
LOTFI: Fox News one of Hillary Clintons biggest donors for better part of two decades
SHOCKING: Fox News One of Hillary Clintons Biggest Donors
Putting it in perspective:
The blockbuster Clinton Cash book details the buck-raking couples sordid circle.
The SEC charged a Clinton Foundation trustee with misallocating $9.5M from his database company. Shareholders sued for using the company jet to fly the Clintons around and paying Bill Clinton a $3M consulting fee.
A Clinton Foundation trustee was accused of paying Bahraini executives (roughly $52 million) to win sales contracts for US-based Alcoa which later settled with the DOJ for $384M.
A Clinton Foundation trustee donated to Hillary's campaigns...gave the Clintons millions in honoraria and millions more to the foundation. The trustee was arrested for allegedly defrauding a bank. He pleaded guilty in a Bklyn court to funneling more than $180,000 in illegal contributions to three federal candidates, Hillary among them.
An Indian legislator sat at the head table at the Clinton Global Initiative and dined privately with the Clintons at their home. He gave between $1-5 million to the Clinton Foundation....then was arrested for bribing members of parliament WRT a US-Indian nuclear-technology agreement....he was booted from his party, ending his political career.
Claudio Osorio fundraised for Hillary and supported the Clinton Global Initiative. He falsified federal applications and bilked US taxpayers to score a loan of $10M tax dollars to build homes in earthquake-ravaged Haiti. Osorio was convicted of financial fraud, using federal "humanitarian assistance for personal benefit, and got 12 years in federal prison.
He was on the federal terrorist no-fly list yet a Lebanese-British businessman donated $460,000 to Miami Democrats for voter-registration and attended the Clintons WH Christmas party. He was later convicted of money-laundering and aiding a criminal organization WRT billions of dollars stolen from Nigeria.
The Lebanese businessman's company pledged $1 billion to the Clinton Global Initiative. The eco-minded Clinton awarded him a prize for sustainable development.
Maybe Fox never heard of the old aphorism, "birds of a feather, flock together." (/snix)
Any university that is donating to a candidate should have all Federal funding and grants pulled. Student’s tuition should not be used to fund a candidates campaign or go to a foundation or whatever.
Pull the funding, and the university can lower tuition rates since this money isn’t used for education anyway.
We have watched Fox turn left for the last several years.
I’ve turned off Fox at this house.
I was on to Fox News years ago when I stopped watching.
And I didn’t see Donald Trump’s name mentioned at all...
and people say Donald is so bad....
someday the sheeple will open their eyes and really see what is going on...
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