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Trump: Megyn Kelly had blood coming out of her 'wherever'
The Hill ^ | August 7, 2015 | Neetzan Zimmerman

Posted on 08/07/2015 8:33:15 PM PDT by Conscience of a Conservative

Donald Trump ratcheted up his feud with Fox News host Megyn Kelly over her role as moderator on Thursday night’s Republican debate, telling CNN’s Don Lemon he has no respect for her and thinks she’s “highly overrated."

"What is it with you and Megyn Kelly?” Lemon asked Trump, who had spent most of the past 24 hours slamming Fox News and Kelly on social media and in TV interviews. "She gets out and starts asking me all sorts of ridiculous questions,” Trump told Lemon. "You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. Blood coming out of her — wherever.”

Trump also called Kelly a "lightweight" and went on to claim he wasn’t alone in his disapproval of Kelly’s debate-night demeanor, and that a source at Fox News told him they had been “inundated” with a record number of negative letters from angry viewers.

TOPICS: Politics/Elections; US: New York
KEYWORDS: 2016election; bozo; election2016; megynkelly; newyork; stormtrumpers; tds; trump; veracoking
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To: Conscience of a Conservative; Impy

Good job Megyn,

I DVR you every weeknight.

You got the best show on FNC.

Ignore Trumps whining.,

61 posted on 08/07/2015 9:09:50 PM PDT by sickoflibs (King Obama : 'The debate is over. The time for talk is over. Just follow my commands you serfs""')
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To: Conscience of a Conservative

62 posted on 08/07/2015 9:09:52 PM PDT by stockpirate (A corrupt government is the real enemy of the people.)
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To: ApeStyle

Good grief, this guy has thinner skin than Obama.

If one wants to be President, raging on twitter till the wee hours of the morning about journalists he doesn’t like is hardly a trait the majority of voters are going to be looking for.

I half expected him to rage quit the debate like some child quitting a video game cause he lost a battle.

63 posted on 08/07/2015 9:10:24 PM PDT by Longbow1969
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To: caww

Trump isn’t the only one they cut ties with last night.

They’re kidding themselves if they think this hasn’t hurt the network.

We’ve all seen Fox slip. The is the Jump the Shark moment.

Good night Fox...

No mas.

64 posted on 08/07/2015 9:10:31 PM PDT by DoughtyOne (If the fetus at one minute old is not alive, what is it?)
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To: scooby321

I saw it last night as it was happening...they weren’t giving Kelly any breathing hit after the other....well deserved I might add.

65 posted on 08/07/2015 9:10:53 PM PDT by caww
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To: Conscience of a Conservative

And another thing....Trump HAD to attack Fox. Which network do lefties think is the mouthpiece of the Republican party? FOX. They think that Fox is so in bed for Republicans that they’ve forgotten how to get out. Now that’s not true of course. But when middle of the roaders and lefties see FOX attacking Donald Trump they automatically identify with Trump. So he pulls in even MORE potential voters. It can’t be by accident. I think Trump is playing everyone like a fiddle and he’s at least 15 moves ahead of everyone else.

66 posted on 08/07/2015 9:11:23 PM PDT by DouglasKC (I'm pro-choice when it comes to lion killing....)
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To: Conscience of a Conservative
because she asked him tough questions about his past statements, etc.

No, that's not it. It's because she grabbed her talking points from the left.

68 posted on 08/07/2015 9:13:59 PM PDT by dragonblustar (Philippians 2:10)
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To: DoughtyOne

Wanna bet?

You can go check their ratings which are available on multiple websites. Kelly is destroying her competition. Fox is doing better in her new time slot than they’ve ever done before.

They just got the best ratings in their entire history, and you think the network is slipping?

I think your Trumpster bias is clouding your thinking here.

69 posted on 08/07/2015 9:14:37 PM PDT by Longbow1969
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To: Califreak

She needs a ball gag!

“Mmmph. Mmmph mmmph?”

70 posted on 08/07/2015 9:15:29 PM PDT by Dr. Bogus Pachysandra (Don't touch that thing Don't let anybody touch that thing!I'm a Doctor and I won't touch that thing!)
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To: Longbow1969
If one wants to be President, raging on twitter till the wee hours of the morning about journalists he doesn’t like is hardly a trait the majority of voters are going to be looking for.

Dude (dudette?) he's DEFINING the media. He's telling people that these "personalities" aren't god's or kingmakers. Their opinions, blasting out to millions, are no better then his or anyone else's opinions.

He is single-handedly showing people that the media is an entire empire or emperors with no clothes. Self important idiots who are only into group think.

It ONLY looks weird because ALL politicians are so afraid of the press reporting negatively on them that they basically just let the press get away with whatever narrative they want to make up. With liberals, it's always a positive narrative. With conservatives, it's always a negative narrative. Trump is sayiing, screw you, you're not going to shape public opinion of me. If you hit at me, I'll hit back. He's controlling his brand and him image, not them.

71 posted on 08/07/2015 9:16:42 PM PDT by DouglasKC (I'm pro-choice when it comes to lion killing....)
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To: Longbow1969

She and FoxNews have been taking a lot of heat today.

Yes folks tuned in last night.

I think they got a belly full too.

Megan is too ignorant to be able to pull this off. She has no idea what kind of a can of worms she just opened.

Neither does Fox.

72 posted on 08/07/2015 9:18:34 PM PDT by DoughtyOne (If the fetus at one minute old is not alive, what is it?)
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To: DoughtyOne
Yep....I hope Trump does superb at the next debate...I think it's with CNN? I turned Fox off for a good part of the day into this evening when I usually watch.....whatever respect I may have had for them went out the window.
73 posted on 08/07/2015 9:18:51 PM PDT by caww
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To: Conscience of a Conservative

I just shake my head reading and hearing comments from people concerning Trump that he is some savior riding to save America from Hillery and the D.C. elites. People need to understand one thing about Trump...he is a “Capitalist”. He’s not a conservative, he’s not a liberal, or anything else but a capitalist. He will do whatever it takes to grow the bottom line. Period. He will contribute to whatever pol of whatever party who will increase his profit margin, who will get him the zoning to build his next hotel, who will give him cover in the next Senate investigation. That said, I am getting a kick watching him irritate hacks like Rove. Which I figure he’ll continue to do until he gets bored and his adoring twits find something else to tweet about.

74 posted on 08/07/2015 9:19:16 PM PDT by W.Lee (Forget it....Forget Hell!)
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To: DoughtyOne

My expectations going in were pretty darned low, not having watched Fox in years, and I wasn’t disappointed.
But as you point out, a lot of conservatives were stuned to see Fox’s A-team acting like SeeBS. Too many ‘gotcha’ questions, like they were 60 Minutes, screw that.

75 posted on 08/07/2015 9:20:21 PM PDT by tumblindice (America's founding fathers: all armed conservatives.)
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To: caww

I don’t get it. They sold themselves as being an alternative to the Left’s biased presentations. Then they sold that on “Fair and Balanced”.

Last night was a travesty.

76 posted on 08/07/2015 9:20:25 PM PDT by DoughtyOne (If the fetus at one minute old is not alive, what is it?)
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To: re_nortex
I honestly don't know and I hope to be enlightened by the cognoscenti (a polysyllabic synonym for FReepers) here.

Donald Trump is no conservative. He is a lifelong liberal who is saying what conservatives want to hear.

10 things you might not know about Donald Trump.

1. He has been a liberal Democrat most of his adult life, registering as a Republican as recently as 2009.

2. He has contributed generously to some of the most far left democrats in politics including Hillary Clinton (D-NY), Charles Schumer (D-NY), Terry McAuliffe (D-VA) Anthony Weiner (D-NY), Ted Kennedy (D-MA), Harry Reid (D-NV), Governor Ed Rendell (D-PA), California state attorney general Kamala Harris (D-CA), Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel (D-IL), and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

3. Trump is a crony capitalist, explaining his large contributions to democrats as a necessary tool to conducting business. He apparently believes buying the votes of politicians is an acceptable way of doing business. I call it corruption.

4. Trump supported the ban on "assault weapons", even though there is no such thing. Far left anti-gun democrats wanted to ban gun ownership completely. Unable to accomplish that goal they created the term "assault weapon" and applied their"Putting his money where his mouth is" in trying to take guns from law-abiding citizens. Michael Bloomberg has spent tens of millions in his quest to disarm America. And Donald Trump has praised him for it.

6. Trump has been pro-abortion until which time he flirted with running for president. He now claims he no longer is. Many can and do believe his campaign rhetoric, but his history says otherwise.

7. While he may claim to be an opponent of Obamacare, Trump is an advocate of single-payer socialized healthcare similar to what is in place in Canada. Yes, Trump supports the worst version of socialized healthcare. He has said, "The Canadian plan also helps Canadians live longer and healthier than America. We need, as a nation, to reexamine the single-payer plan, as many individual states are doing. While we work out details of a new single-payer plan, there are a number of ways to make the health care system now in place work more efficiently,"

8. Trump believes in exploiting eminent domain laws for the taking of private property from US citizens for his personal gain. He proved this when he tried exploiting such laws to take elderly widow Vera Coking's property so he could build a parking lot for limousines. Fortunately, the widow prevailed. He also said he supported the United States Supreme Court's Kelo decision which resulted in the taking of private land from a private party so Pfizer Pharmaceuticals. That family lost their land and to date nothing has been built on it. At the time, Trump said he was "100% for it.

9. Trump has said the economy does better under democrat control (we're $18 trillion in debt and climbing thanks to the dems). He also said George W. Bush "is probably the worst president in the history of the United States". Worse than the lying rapist Bill Clinton? In the mind of Donald Trump, that answer is apparently YES.

10. Donald Trump is now a registered Republican, he registered in 2009. But in an interview with CNN's Wolfe Blitzer, Trump said, "I probably identify more as a democrat." His record above lends credence to that comment.

Summed up, while Donald Trump may be saying and doing things he believes will appeal to conservatives, he is a lifelong liberal who only now claims to be conservative. That considered, he is just like any other liberal in that he cannot be trusted.

77 posted on 08/07/2015 9:23:49 PM PDT by South40 (Rafael Edward Cruz 2016)
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To: ApeStyle

lolol, who knows, I am glad to hear FNC got an ear full.

78 posted on 08/07/2015 9:23:53 PM PDT by libbylu
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To: tumblindice

I agree.

Think about the issues that are important right now.

Ballooning debt
Social Security Trust fund
Military Preparedness
Veterans services
Criminal acts by top Appointees of Obama
The Nuclear agreement with Iran

Then she asks about Trump’s comments about women.

And the Wallace asked if all illegals were really criminals.

The list of questions I saw to Trump seemed to all be way out of the realm of what we should be learning about.

79 posted on 08/07/2015 9:24:29 PM PDT by DoughtyOne (If the fetus at one minute old is not alive, what is it?)
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To: DouglasKC

Do you know as President you have to take tough questions? Like, HOW are you going to make Mexico pay for a wall (which they won’t do which is why Trump won’t answer) You get challenged. You don’t get to push the media around at all times.

People are going to be watching and evaluating whether this person has the temperament to be President of the United States. What we’re seeing in Trump is a guy who is used to being surrounded by “yes men” and not used to being questioned/challenged.

I wish conservatives would challenge press narratives more, but twitter tantrums don’t suit someone running to be President.

80 posted on 08/07/2015 9:24:34 PM PDT by Longbow1969
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