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Trump: Megyn Kelly had blood coming out of her 'wherever'
The Hill ^ | August 7, 2015 | Neetzan Zimmerman

Posted on 08/07/2015 8:33:15 PM PDT by Conscience of a Conservative

Donald Trump ratcheted up his feud with Fox News host Megyn Kelly over her role as moderator on Thursday night’s Republican debate, telling CNN’s Don Lemon he has no respect for her and thinks she’s “highly overrated."

"What is it with you and Megyn Kelly?” Lemon asked Trump, who had spent most of the past 24 hours slamming Fox News and Kelly on social media and in TV interviews. "She gets out and starts asking me all sorts of ridiculous questions,” Trump told Lemon. "You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. Blood coming out of her — wherever.”

Trump also called Kelly a "lightweight" and went on to claim he wasn’t alone in his disapproval of Kelly’s debate-night demeanor, and that a source at Fox News told him they had been “inundated” with a record number of negative letters from angry viewers.

TOPICS: Politics/Elections; US: New York
KEYWORDS: 2016election; bozo; election2016; megynkelly; newyork; stormtrumpers; tds; trump; veracoking
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To: Conscience of a Conservative

Megyn treated Debbie Wasserman with respect.

Did MSNBC buy FOX news?

121 posted on 08/07/2015 9:53:29 PM PDT by NoLibZone (I voted for Mitt. The lesser of 2 evils religious argument put a black nationalist in the W.H.)
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To: Catsrus

Most people in the drudge report poll by 3-1 thought Donald Trump won. He was the most attacked even Bret went after him was totally ochestrated, Even Graham said the same thing and he and McCain ain’t members of the Trump fan club.

Donald held his own on the issues. At least as good as Bush who’s family has been in Washington since 1970

Trump is more Presidential than most of the guys up there.
I saw Trump complement Bush after Wallace read insulting remarks Bush was quoted as saying about Trump. That was very Christian and Presidential for a guy under massive attack all night.

122 posted on 08/07/2015 9:54:39 PM PDT by Zenjitsuman (New Boss Nancy Pelosi)
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To: DoughtyOne
I heard Megyn say she was just being "sassy".

If that's how she thinks she came across she really is clueless.

Here was Fox's chance to give that record setting viewing audience a real look into our candidates. Maybe change some minds. Instead, Kelly asks unhelpful, snarky questions and Wallace quotes Rove"s article almost verbatim as a question. The next day, everyone is talking about the moderators and not all of the candidates.

Fox blew it...

123 posted on 08/07/2015 9:55:19 PM PDT by CAluvdubya (<------- has now left CA for NV, where God and guns have not been outlawed! Cruise with Cruz!)
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To: superfries; caww; re_nortex; Conscience of a Conservative; Impy

I forgot to mention her home run segments on that pizza shop that got shut down for saying they wouldn’t serve pizzas at a gay wedding due to religious beliefs..

No doubt her opening on her 9pm show on it really helped generate those donations to the owners.

She is effective. I love her show.

124 posted on 08/07/2015 9:57:14 PM PDT by sickoflibs (King Obama : 'The debate is over. The time for talk is over. Just follow my commands you serfs""')
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To: Califreak

“Megan you ignorant slut!”

She is no Republican, pro planned parenthood, thinks obnoxious Rosie can say anything and nobody has a right to fight back.

I say boycott Kelly’s program, your not missing anything and it will teach her some humility, and manners

125 posted on 08/07/2015 9:57:38 PM PDT by Zenjitsuman (New Boss Nancy Pelosi)
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To: Conscience of a Conservative

I didn’t know Megyn Kelly was running for president.

126 posted on 08/07/2015 9:58:30 PM PDT by GSWarrior (Click HERE to skip this tag line.)
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To: Conscience of a Conservative
Three things.

Megyn Kelly's War on Woman question was lame.

If Kelly had asked Trump a more germaine question, for example if she asked about Trump Amnesty, she probably would have gotten the result that she and Fox were looking for. Even a followup question to Trump praising Single Payer would have gotten the desired effect.

But she didn't ask those question, and Trump lives on because of the backlash against Kelly and Fox, and nothing more.

127 posted on 08/07/2015 9:58:40 PM PDT by FreeReign
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To: caww
I agree with you. This was about destroying Trump. It was unprofessional and disgusting. But it was so obvious to any objective viewer what they were doing, that they made Trump a victim and increased his support. It was counterproductive and the network may also suffer long term in reduced viewership.

The moderators took up one third of the time. But the good that has come out of this circus is bringing the GOP candidates before a large audience where they can be seen and heard. The next debate on CNN could attract an even bigger audience. Trump has energized the campaign and forced the GOPe to discuss issues they don't want to talk about, especially immigration. You can see how the other candidates have adopted many of the issues pushed by Trump and they are becoming more animated.

In contrast, the Dems won't have any debates until October and there will be only 6 compared to the 12 for the GOP. There are no serious challengers to Hillary. And Hillary is battling multiple scandals. The GOP race is the biggest and only game in town. Each debate, hopefully, will become an infomercial about how terrible the Dems have run this country. It will be unfiltered except for the MSM attempts to control it.

128 posted on 08/07/2015 9:58:55 PM PDT by kabar
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To: caww

I agree.

129 posted on 08/07/2015 9:59:34 PM PDT by DoughtyOne (If the fetus at one minute old is not alive, what is it?)
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To: CAluvdubya

Well sassy does sound better than air-head. I’ll grant you that.

She was acting the part of a high school sophomore.

130 posted on 08/07/2015 10:01:12 PM PDT by DoughtyOne (If the fetus at one minute old is not alive, what is it?)
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To: CAluvdubya

Completely agree too...

131 posted on 08/07/2015 10:01:30 PM PDT by DoughtyOne (If the fetus at one minute old is not alive, what is it?)
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To: DoughtyOne

Trump isn’t the only one they cut ties with last night.

They’re kidding themselves if they think this hasn’t hurt the network.

We’ve all seen Fox slip. The is the Jump the Shark moment.

Good night Fox...

No mas.

Time for a Fox boycott, they totally Pearl Harbored Trump.
And he was gracious to Jeb in spite of the quotes Jeb denied so unconvincingly

132 posted on 08/07/2015 10:01:38 PM PDT by Zenjitsuman (New Boss Nancy Pelosi)
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To: kabar

Well, the Red State gathering just dis-invited Trump for his comments regarding Kelly.

They aren’t a cable network obviously, but it’s a pretty influential gathering (with many of the candidates in attendance) and dumping the Trump circus didn’t seem to bother Erickson and company.

Maybe Trump is imploding faster than I expected.

133 posted on 08/07/2015 10:02:22 PM PDT by Longbow1969
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To: Tula Git

But apparently her target survived the assassination attempt.

134 posted on 08/07/2015 10:02:27 PM PDT by aquila48
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To: sickoflibs
Kelly is a liberal democrat. What she pulled on Trump was a warning to all Republican candidates. Trump is the only “free” self funded candidate in this election cycle. The dirt has been dug up on all candidates... They have been warned. Kelly will not pull this cheap stunt on Hillry!
135 posted on 08/07/2015 10:03:14 PM PDT by Just mythoughts (Jesus said Luke 17:32 Remember Lot's wife.)
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To: Marcella; GeronL; nathanbedford
He will explode at some point and I hope it happens sooner than later so we can get back to serious candidates who want to save this country.

As I indicated in post #58, Donald Trump is still an unfinished book to me and although I have an open mind about him, I confess that I do have my doubts about him. That's why I haven't gotten embroiled in the crossfire of the past few months until this thread.

The word you used, serious, resonates with me in this regard. Like President Reagan, I'm an admirer of President Calvin Coolidge. While he had much more of a sense of humor (even somewhat of a prankster when the occasion permitted) than most think, "Silent Cal" was a serious man at his core. He was also a man who carefully and studiously thought through the issues on any matter coming to his attention, as evidenced by his the manner in which he handled the 1919 Boston Police strike. Coolidge was a man of action but not one of snap judgment and was, along with Reagan, the most effective president of the 20th Century.

Trump gives off a different vibe to me, one of impetuousness. And while that very well may be an attribute for success as a casino mogul but it gives me cause for pause should he make it to the Oval Office and be an incautious man with access to the nuclear trigger.

I've also pinged a couple of other FReepers that I respect, GeronL because of our locality and mutual interests as well as nathanbedford because he's a superb historian and possesses a sharp intellect.

136 posted on 08/07/2015 10:03:55 PM PDT by re_nortex (DP - that's what I like about Texas)
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To: Longbow1969

An article in Bloomberg said they helped Trump

The Drudge report poll Trump got 260,000 votes, other polls all agreed he won the night.

Facebook had this morning 20,000 tweets against Kelly

By the way her nose is crooked like she broke it.

Trump’s wife makes Kelly look like roadkill.

137 posted on 08/07/2015 10:06:35 PM PDT by Zenjitsuman (New Boss Nancy Pelosi)
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To: Diogenesis

LOL....well just damn

138 posted on 08/07/2015 10:07:49 PM PDT by Irish Eyes
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To: GSWarrior

She doesn’t need to run for president to have a BIAS does she?

139 posted on 08/07/2015 10:08:04 PM PDT by superfries
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To: Just mythoughts
RE:”Kelly is a liberal democrat. What she pulled on Trump was a warning to all Republican candidates. Trump is the only “free” self funded candidate in this election cycle. The dirt has been dug up on all candidates... They have been warned. Kelly will not pull this cheap stunt on Hillry!”

If he cant handle her questions now it would be a complete disaster if he got up against Hillary.

He needs to man up and quit whining.

Her segments on the Little sisters of the poor being persecuted under Obamacare on Birth control and the farming of baby parts by PP (which she did ~ a half dozen shows on) were absolute home runs.

Then was her home run segments on that pizza shop that got shut down for saying they wouldn’t serve pizzas at a gay wedding due to religious beliefs..

No doubt her opening on her 9pm show on it really helped generate those donations to the owners.

She made social libs want to crawl under their beds and hide. She beats the crap out of them on their war on wimmin theme.

She is effective. I love her show.

140 posted on 08/07/2015 10:08:23 PM PDT by sickoflibs (King Obama : 'The debate is over. The time for talk is over. Just follow my commands you serfs""')
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