To: rdl6989
Another copycat. Thanks “media”!
2 posted on
07/23/2015 6:56:15 PM PDT by
(Remember! It's not a hate crime if the victim is white.)
To: FlingWingFlyer
Copycat nutcase was my first thought.
4 posted on
07/23/2015 6:57:24 PM PDT by
To: FlingWingFlyer
Probably antidepressants.
38 posted on
07/23/2015 7:18:25 PM PDT by
cuban leaf
(The US will not survive the obama presidency. The world may not either.)
To: FlingWingFlyer
Sounds like it’s going to be a guy shooting his wife or girlfriend and then committing suicide. There’s a report the shooter was chasing a woman. The other injuries might be from him shooting wildly while he was running.
79 posted on
07/23/2015 8:01:47 PM PDT by
( Khomeini promised change too // Hail, Chairman O)
To: FlingWingFlyer
Another copycat. 58-year-old white guy.
What did he copy? Doesn't seem to be the demographic for moon god worship.
To: FlingWingFlyer
Class action lawsuit anyone? We know that this is a direct result of their sensationalizing these things. Why can the MSM show the same restraint in reporting these mass killings that they do with Democrat crimes?
156 posted on
07/24/2015 4:57:49 AM PDT by
(First, Do No Harm)
To: FlingWingFlyer
Has Obumbler called for gun ban yet?
166 posted on
07/24/2015 9:01:58 AM PDT by
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