To: MeshugeMikey
“Now theres a LEADER!”
You must not live in Louisiana.
12 posted on
07/23/2015 7:00:27 PM PDT by
To: odawg
hes clearly leading in this instance and that at least for this moment qualifies him for the title of leader regardless of what he may have done yesterday, or may well do or not do tomorrow.
18 posted on
07/23/2015 7:03:24 PM PDT by
("Never, Never, Never, Give Up," Winston Churchill ><>)
To: odawg
Seriously asking, what is the problem with Jindal?
Those of us in the hinterlands of LA only see what we're spoonfed by the propaganda machine.
93 posted on
07/23/2015 8:15:59 PM PDT by
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