Posted on 06/17/2015 4:13:37 AM PDT by Behind Liberal Lines
Edited on 06/17/2015 4:43:53 AM PDT by Admin Moderator. [history]
Put her on with Hillary and we’d have something to worry about.
Heh, true.
Except, does anyone really think he “shares our values” now? Sure, he said a lot of conservative-sounding things yesterday. But this is a guy who will say anything, do anything, if he thinks it will benefit him (and “benefit him” can mean anything from make him more money to get him more attention).
Upscale Norman Bates showering you with money. Psycho 2.0 /sarc
I believe you are right on, with that comment.
The problem is he is the only one saying these things.
Yes, he’s a little like the Clintons, but they aren’t open about their use of government power for personal enrichment. He’s brazen about it. He should pledge to take no salary and no income related to government service and then start at a lower level than president.
As long as people can be judged by the color of their skin, the problem is not solved, she said, adding,There are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it in that prejudice and racism and they just have to die.
The race-grievance industry and the Obama-Holder-Winfrey demagogues can keep on judging people by skin color; but old white folks have to die because then and only then will judging people by skin color cease.
If you don't believe it you're racist.
Trump believes it I guess. Good bye, Mr. Trump.
Think Sarah would accept - ???
Would put her in a great position to be our first woman prez -
as long as Trump doesn’t goof up causing a Dem to slide in 4 years later.
Shrllary will NOT be the USA’s first female president.
I am certainly not a Trump supporter, but this mention of Oprah was in 1999...not yesterday. And given what we know about Trump, he wasn’t serious.
Did Mr. Trump forget he has to win lots of primaries first and then the nomination ?
Talking this way, keeps him on democrats possible candidate list.
So is he trying to win as a write candidate on the dem primary or his really that clueless how the process works ?
Do you really think the vast majority of democrat voters would think Oprah is vivable VP...? ...Wait' don't answer that...!
I have to admit he gave a great speech, it was great entertainment...
If he was running for King, I might vote for him...
Read the article again. He said it in both 1999 and yesterday.
I didn't miss it. Running toward the center to garner democRAT votes is always a valid strategy in the general election. But he has to win the nomination first. I just don't see that the strategy is going to work. Oprah isn't a viable VP pic for anyone in the GOP, RINOs included. She's a hardcore liberal, with zero experience in politics and government. The fact that Trump would even consider her on the ticket is indelible stain on his run for the GOP nomination.
We’ve been leaderless for more than a decade now—probably a lot longer if we really think about it.
Cruz is about as close as it comes to being conservative with the elephants we have to choose from. And even then, he caves on immigration.
I don't know who's clueless, but if he wants to be, he will be on the ballot in all 50 states.
He has no interest in the Republican party as such, and neither do I.
Don’t like The Donald for President, but you have to admit this is a terrific slam at Obama. Oprah hates Michelle and the President; she had been promised a cabinet position by them, and even bought a big fancy Georgetown house on the promise that she would be a DC mover and shaker. Donald knows this bites the Obamas in a big way....
Cruz is about as close as it comes to being conservative with the elephants we have to choose from. And even then, he caves on immigration.
Cruz also just caved on Obamatrade by voting to lower the votes required to pass it. He caters to the big donor corportists on the big issues. So we can expect another cave on Obamacare if he is POTUS.
“But this is a guy who will say anything, do anything, if he thinks it will benefit him (and benefit him can mean anything from make him more money to get him more attention).”
Saying or doing anything so he can benefit doesn’t make him any different than any other candidate.
I will say that with Trump you already know what he is.
There’s probably not going to be any nasty surprises.
I’m not sure how serious he is about a legitimate run but as long as he’s in, even with the weird reality show vibe he brings, he’s got my vote.
I was going to have to sit out or vote 3rd party otherwise.
So what explains him saying the exact same thing in 1999?
I must confess that I only skimmed the article. Every since Trump dissed Pamela Geller, he has lost any interest from me (and I say this as a former New Yawker).
So far it would appear you are the only one that listened to what he said.
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