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To: oblomov

Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. on Friday barred local and state police from using federal law to seize cash, cars and other property without proving that a crime occurred.


No problem. Local officials will charge Juan with any number of phony-baloney (or even real) charges. They will be STATE charges. Not federal.

He’ll plea bargain out with no time served - oh on just one condition....

The 40 large they found in his trunk? Stays seized by the LEO’s.

Honestly, I don’t see where Holder is changing a thing. He’s playing the shell game here.

25 posted on 01/16/2015 3:11:29 PM PST by Responsibility2nd (See Ya On The Road; Al Baby's Mom!)
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To: Responsibility2nd

“The 40 large they found in his trunk? Stays seized by the LEO’s.”

Maybe I’m just a loose wingnut but I think if someone is crazy enough to haul a trunkload of cash in a car he should be able to do so unless someone can prove he came by it by commission of an actual crime. I used to carry a wallet stuffed with Benjamins simply because I wanted to be able to buy used equipment for cash, I then took it back to my business, reconditioned or completely rebuilt it and sold it to other businesses, all transactions were reported but in those days a lot of people would not accept checks or credit cards as payment for used machinery. If I were doing the same thing today I would probably have everything seized by the goobermint. Just why should it be Uncle’s business if someone has ten thousand in Benjamins on his hip? As things have stood for a long time if you let them know you have more than a few dollars in your wallet or in your car all they have to do is say they “BELIEVE” that it is drug money and seize it and they act as if two or three hundred dollars is still a lot of money when in reality it is a week or so of grocery money for a family now and nothing more. It is up to you then to prove it is NOT illegal gains so unless it is a really huge sum you will spend more trying to get it back than it is worth and probably not win anyway. If it IS a really huge sum then most likely it is illegal gains. It amounts basically to law enforcement acting in the manner of an old time highway robber and getting away with it.

You can believe one thing for certain, Holder is not doing this to protect the people, he has other motives.

63 posted on 01/18/2015 6:54:29 AM PST by RipSawyer (OPM is the religion of the sheeple.)
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