Posted on 10/08/2014 5:28:36 AM PDT by Enlightened1
The Ebola virus becoming airborne is a possible but unlikely outcome in the current epidemic, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Tom Frieden said Tuesday.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
That means it’s VERY possible.
Every time they say something to reassure the public, I feel less reassured.
I feel the same way!
How dare the CDC deter from their prime directive
of protecting Moslem self-esteem and keeping
the American public dumb as possible.
How did the Spanish nurse get it when she followed the standard protocols for avoiding infection?
That’s right! They are suppose to be telling us everything is going to be okay. Yeah uh huh...(sarcasm off)
Yep and no telling how many people she infected in the hospital. I guess we will all know in 30 to 60 days for sure.
Is that ‘unlikely’ like it probably won’t happen, or ‘unlikely’ as in ‘unlikely to spread to the US’?
Some Ebola experts worry virus may spread more easily than assumed
Oh jeez, we’re screwed, aren’t we?
Given the current regime, that means it's already happened.
It’s most likely airborne now. I’ve read at least half a dozen stories where the writer got infected being extremely careful and has no idea how it happened. There are likely many strains out there picking up hosts. Ten months in and a mutation hasn’t happened? In a virus that is known for it’s fast adaptability and mutations? Ya, uh huh, okay.
The number of persons infected with Ebola is doubling every 7 days. You do the math, how many infected after another 10 months? As the number of persons infected rises, so does the chance of it mutating and becoming more virulent. This is the point of no return, right now. Either quarantine Africa, make the hard but safe decisions, and watch as it burns itself out finding no new hosts to infect OR watch it burn through every continent on Earth.
What happens when there are thousands, or tens of thousands of infected in ONE city? Where are you going to go? The hospital? Out back in a tent in the alley by the kitchens refuse disposal? While you watch exhausted nurses and doctors fall like flies who end up next to you on a plastic mat, bleeding out their organs through their eyes, with no one to administer care to anyone. Maybe that’s what it will take to cure the real disease of PC tolerance and non hurt feelings that has made it possible.
And why would any American believe anything the CDC puts out?
H1N1 was supposed to ravage the country and was just a flash in the pan
“The number of persons infected with Ebola is doubling every 7 days”
I read it’s doubling every 3 weeks. This is because it’s undetectable for 3 weeks.
A link to this thread has been posted on the Ebola Surveillance Thread
Right... Whatever they say it’s just the opposite.
Same goes for their numbers. If it’s good number, then generally it’s over estimated by 2 1/2 to 3 times whatever they say.
If it’s a bad number, then it’s 2 1/2 to 3 times whatever number they say.
That’s how you get a close estimate to the real number like unemployment.
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