Welcome to the real world analogue of the zombie apocalypse, proudly sponsored by: Brak Ubama, the DNC, the RINOs, and the media.
Let’s hope that this motivates them to get up to speed.
I would offer this observation...the health providers in this case....have carved off significant customer usage.
The ambulance service? Their name will get dragged around and no one will be willing to call or allow them to transport relatives (this is Texas and people act this way).
The hospital? I’ll bet several folks who were supposed to check in for routine services or operations....have called their doctor and asked for another hospital recommendation. It may take months for the public to forget about this one episode.
The family members of this unfortunate individual? I’d bet on at least three having some indicators of Ebola within the next week. Questions will arise over their grocery shopping, visitors at home, and where they even bought gas for their car.
So, here’s the eyecatcher....within twelve months....the national health system will admit that this is way beyond their capability to handle. And the question will be....can we ever quarantine enough people to fix this? I don’t have that belief anymore.