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To: pepsionice

“And the question will be....can we ever quarantine enough people to fix this?”

The REAL problem with quarantine is that it will, out of necessity, be along largely racial lines, because this hits the poor habits of the average Dem city slave voter the hardest.

Will we, and our officials, be able/strong enough to overcome the inevitable Political Correctness issues?

(I don’t think so, given the existing evidence with Islam)

28 posted on 10/01/2014 12:10:35 AM PDT by tcrlaf (Q)
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To: tcrlaf
Snake Plissken (Character) from Escape from New York (1981) The content of this page was created by users. It has not been screened or verified by IMDb staff. Escape from L.A. (1996)

President: All right, I've heard enough. Would you explain to this foot soldier why he's going to do what we tell him to do.

Snake Plissken: What's he talking about?

Malloy: The Plutoxin Seven virus.

Brazen: Genetically engineered. 100% pure death.

Malloy: It starts with a slight headache, then turns into a fever that gets worse. After a short time, you crash. You bleed out like a stuck pig. Not a pretty sight.

Snake Plissken: I get it. You figure that you inject that shit into me, and under the threat of death, I'll do whatever you say... just like in New York.

Malloy: You got it... Snake!

Snake Plissken: One question: which one of you assholes gets to die trying to stick me?

Malloy: You don't understand. It's already in you. [Snake looks down at his hand, where it was scratched earlier]

Brazen: Catches on quick, doesn't he?

31 posted on 10/01/2014 12:25:05 AM PDT by blackdog (There is no such thing as healing, only a balance between destructive and constructive forces.)
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