Posted on 09/24/2014 8:01:11 AM PDT by God luvs America
FOR nearly three decades, Ive felt conflicted about presidential salutes. After all, my United States Marine Corps instructors drilled into me the idea that you never salute without a cover which, in civilian, meant without a hat. My fellow Marines and I were also informed, in no uncertain terms, that we werent to salute out of uniform. (I dont think that presidential blue suits, white shirts and red ties quite qualify.) So whenever I saw a president stepping off a helicopter and bringing hand to brow, my drill instructors unambiguous words came back to me with much of their original force.
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My ambivalence came to an end last week, when I saw a videotape of the presidents midnight trip to Dover Air Force Base in Delaware, where he had participated, very early that morning, in the dignified transfer of 15 Army soldiers and three Drug Enforcement Administration agents killed that week in Afghanistan. Mr. Obama stood ramrod straight and saluted as six soldiers carried the coffin bearing the body of Sgt. Dale Griffin of Indiana off a C-17 transport aircraft and into a waiting van. His salute, it struck me, was impeccable in every way.
the reason I posted this 5 YO OpEd is because I want everyone to remember how the criminal left wing media gushed over obama's salute 5 years ago as they run to cover his latest outrage.
To me, when a marine salutes a soldier he wears his uniform. When a sailor salutes an admiral, he wears his uniform. When the commander in chief salutes any military member, he should do the same. The uniform of the commander in chief is traditionally a suit and tie, or whatever it happens to be, but just like the soldier or the sailor does not raise his sidearm or his sword to his forehead during the salute, the coffee cup does not belong in the commander in chief’s raised hand during the salute.
And to whom to show it...a king like he wants to be.
President Of the US is just a joke to Obama
This picture is the perfect illustration of why Obama has been so reticent about the ME barbarism and why he has telegraphed all the military moves or non moves in plenty of time for his buddies in the Muzzie hierarchy to get out of Dodge. He is one of them!!!
So he knows how to salute. He just didn’t feel like it. He probably didn’t see the cameras, or maybe this was to show his buddies in the Muslim countries what he really thinks of our military. I’ll never forget the time he ordered the Marines to hold an umbrella over his head during a light rain. He has no respect for the military and has cut their pay a few times already.
No uniform and he is still the Commander and Chief?
In the Navy, I was taught that it is permissible to salute if in civilian clothes and wearing a hat. In fact, if wearing a hat (cover) in or out of uniform, it was (is?) required to salute senior officers.
Thanks for posting the best part, I read that yesterday and it was a jaw dropper.
With Ronald Reagan, both Bushes, and to a lesser extent, Bill Clinton there was genuine respect for the service members when they returned the salute.
Barack H 0bama has no respect for the armed forces. It showed plainly this week in the "latte salute."
"Ceterum censeo 0bama esse delendam."
Garde la Foi, mes amis! Nous nous sommes les sauveurs de la République! Maintenant et Toujours!
(Keep the Faith, my friends! We are the saviors of the Republic! Now and Forever!)
LonePalm, le Républicain du verre cassé (The Broken Glass Republican)
What a concept! A president of the United States who actually sought advice from the military and delivered.
Slightly off topic but when I saw the “smartest man in the room” dissing his body guards - in case that is too nuanced for him - the guys who are supposed to stand between him and gunfire - my first thought was “yeah, smart, real smart”.
Apparently ideology trumps everything - even self-preservation.
Bill Clinton there was genuine respect for the service members...
Forget the salute part, the Clintons used the military as servants in the the White House.
Look it up.
I don't like Bill Clinton at all but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt on this issue. Hillary gets bupkis.
"Ceterum censeo 0bama esse delendam."
Garde la Foi, mes amis! Nous nous sommes les sauveurs de la République! Maintenant et Toujours!
(Keep the Faith, my friends! We are the saviors of the Republic! Now and Forever!)
LonePalm, le Républicain du verre cassé (The Broken Glass Republican)
I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt on this issue.
Ever since he said...”Ah didn’t have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinski”, I don’t and won’t ever give him the benefit of the doubt on anything.
As far as I’m concerned, it didn’t bother him enough to stop the misuse of our servicemen and could have.
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