Posted on 06/04/2014 3:34:14 PM PDT by ButThreeLeftsDo
I’d be happy if they just protected our credit cards.
Yeah, I really don’t get the whole long gun thing.
Open carry is the least of their problems right now.
I personally am a concealed carry guy, but I do understand the open carry crowd. In my mind it’s a push back against the whole “guns are icky” campaign being foisted on our kids. My kids know better, as do my grandkids. But until and unless we get the general public to look at an open carried firearm no differently than an openly carried cell phone, we still have work to do.
Target is an American Company. Always has been.
NO, you nuts jobs!
There you go.
The Minnesota law was written “on or about one’s person or clothing.” The words “concealed” or “open carry” are not used. This was done so that if one’s cover garment were to blow up in the wind or a similar situation, you can’t be arrested for ‘brandishing’.
That being said...I was in a diner with the then girlfriend having breakfast on a Sunday morning. Carrying. Concealed. Or so I believed. Turns out I was one club too big for the cover.
A table away, a female teenager who was there with her family got a peek. She couldn’t take her eyes off. I tugged on the sweatshirt that I thought was way too big to fail one more time. She whispered something to Dad. I heard him say “probably a security guard”.
Way to go Dad!!
I still think it’s ‘asses’ on the left that are actually for gun control that are doing this.
Any sane person would not want to open-carry just as
a black-belt would not walk around with his belt on and his hands in the air.
The surprise element makes a big difference. Why would anyone want the bad guy to shoot him first?
“Here I am, see me? I’m tough.”
Compare this with a guy driving a Maserati.
Dumb! Dumb! Dumb!
Target is a local(MN) corporation and they have never posted their stores. Open carry is legal and allowed at Target.
For now.
Maserati...little prick, big car.
There is no rational reason to want to run around with long guns in a retail outlet. These folks have a couple of screws loose.
And I come from a solid gunning background and am a lifetime nra member.
I didn't get this either until someone explained it to me. These events happened in Texas. We all think of Texas as being friendly to guns and guns owners, and--by and large--it is. But even Texas has some quirky laws when it comes to guns. Open carry of handguns is not allowed, but open carry of longarms is. That's ridiculous, of course, and these folks are open carrying longarms to protest this Texas law. They wan to be able to openly carry hand guns.
If the lamestream media were doing their job, you would know this already, but...
Think I might start keeping a bag of diapers in my car just in case I come across one of their protests. Would be a very nice way to let them know what I think about them.
I’m going to stop by the local Target on the way home from work tomorrow night.
I’ll be wearing my Sig Sauer ball cap, just to see how testy they’re going to be...
If you like, tell ‘em the only thing they can do outside of actually taking guns way is to buy a lifetime supply of diapers.
On it.
A part of me wishes they’d try something here in Arkansas, but I’d hardly be the only person telling them where to go and how to get there, so it probably wouldn’t matter.
All wars are won as a result of hundreds of different strategies and tactics. Think of the reprehensible Dirty Dozen, a lot of them had more than a screw loose.
If they really were a "gun safety organization" they would be glad that responsible adults are carrying guns. As it is all they want to do is to disarm the law abiding and create the places they want to shop into free fire zones.
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