What is killing so many of our entitlement programs is the fact that there are so many dependent years between retirement and death. Back when people lived to be 62, Social Security would kick in at 60, and they would get a couple of years in the sun. Now people are living to be 82, and Social Security is going broke having to pay out for 20+ years.
We have to reduce the number of years between retirement and death. The logical way to do this would be to raise the retirement age to something like 75 years old. But that would be politically unacceptable. So, instead, our politicians have decided to work on the death side of the equation. Thus Obamacare.
I would rather they put a cap on how long you can collect. For example, they say you have 15 years to collect Social Security. You can start when you want but you will get zero after your 15th year. That is true freedom right there and people make their own decisions. Instead of retiring at 65 perhaps they will stay until 70 to make it to 85 or if someone say heck with it, I will take it at 60 and be done at 75 when my person savings will kick in. We need freedom in this country ASAP!!!!!
The biggest part of the problem with declining funds in Social Security & Medicare is because there are millions of people in the USA who are already sucking from these funds, and they have hardly paid in a dollar themselves.
Most people of my generation worked until they could retire, and they paid into the system all of their working lives. For many of us, that was from age 15 until age 65-—50 years.
Now- people at age 25 & younger are drawing “Social Security Disability’ and haven’t paid into the system. They have all kinds of excuses-—My back bothers me-—I cannot work because I use drugs & no one will hire me.
I know of a woman in my area who has 3 kids. He mother engineered it so that the 3 kids are in the mother’s care-—which is also another drain on resources, various welfare programs paid Grandma to take care of the kids-—but they all live together. The woman “cannot hold a job because she is a chronic alcoholic & drug user”. She had absolutely no reason to kick the drugs, since she has multiple safety nets all around her. She used to live about a mile from me & I saw some of her behavior Where did all this knowledge of how to manipulate the system come from? The “mother” of the woman worked for Social Security for years & learned every trick.
Many long-term unemployed have been pushed onto Soc Sec Disability instead of dropping them altogether. Another dirty little secret of the Obama administration.
Obama administration wants everyone on the dole in some fashion or other, and then wants the few remaining working & the ‘fat cats’ to pay the bill. This is a disastrous pattern.
What is going to happen when the ‘fat cats’ leave the country or just sit down & quit feeding the pigs at the trough???
Atlas Shrugged is happening all around us. The major dropouts just haven’t been seen yet. I know a few that already have quit filling the trough.