What I said to the previous poster also applies to you and all of us. What Sandusky did made everyone look stupid and naive.
The most stupid and naive are those who allowed Sandusky's 2nd Mile charity to close its doors, destroy its files, and move out of state without a full investigation of its activities.
Last time I checked all of Sandusky's victims came from that charity.
Only the naive and stupid continue to blame Paterno while the elephant in the room was given a free pass out of town.
I agree. The is an underlying fear to be the one who calls out deviant behavior and be labeled a racist, homophobe, old fashioned, or worse, be wrong and be libel. The media and segments of society have dulled our senses and we let it happen.
I am not a Joe hater. There were many people who dropped the ball here but I decry those that think Joe was oblivious.