To: nickcarraway
Well, Jones .... I’d guess you’re not laughing now.
To: nickcarraway
3 posted on
10/23/2013 11:10:33 PM PDT by
Paleo Conservative
(Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not really out to get you.)
To: nickcarraway
4 posted on
10/23/2013 11:24:01 PM PDT by
Slings and Arrows
(You can't have Ingsoc without an Emmanuel Goldstein.)
To: nickcarraway
5 posted on
10/23/2013 11:36:24 PM PDT by
(ObamaCare should have been tested on politicians before being released to the public!)
To: nickcarraway
It’s a start. But with almost 7,000 murders in Arizona since this guy went on his spree in 1996 (and with over 1,500 of those UNSOLVED), it’s ONLY a start...
7 posted on
10/24/2013 12:03:02 AM PDT by
To: nickcarraway
Thanks for posting this. I needed some good news today
9 posted on
10/24/2013 5:08:41 AM PDT by
John O
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