1 posted on
09/30/2013 6:35:14 AM PDT by
To: cutty
The goal:
The peasants shivering in the dark
while the “nobility” fly over in their private jets.
2 posted on
09/30/2013 6:36:50 AM PDT by
(The difference between a Humanist and a Satanist - the latter admits whom he's working for)
To: cutty
Obama’s anti carbon, anti capitalist crusade is hollowing out the American economy, destroying the middle class and lowering the standard of living. Obama will be remembered for economic decline.
3 posted on
09/30/2013 6:42:05 AM PDT by
To: cutty
Smaller cars, smaller houses, smaller lives, smaller economy, smaller America. The communists are winning.
4 posted on
09/30/2013 6:54:36 AM PDT by
To: cutty
I knew that a second term for the Kenyan was going to be a disaster for the American people but it’s turning out to be even worse than I thought it was going to be.
5 posted on
09/30/2013 7:19:00 AM PDT by
(The time for impeachment has come.)
To: cutty
OK,,,, I've had it with this a$$hole residing in AMERICA'S MOST PRIZED PIECE OF PROPERTY,,,, BEING 1600 PENNSYLVANIA AVE. It's now 1600 ScrewAmerica Avenue. Why have you dumba$$es on the hill not IMPEACHED THIS IDIOT???? He's a SOCIALISTIC COMMIE,,,, get that idiot out of that infamous address. Do you or do you NOT not have the balls to do so ????
6 posted on
09/30/2013 7:35:34 AM PDT by
(no compromise)
To: cutty
7 posted on
09/30/2013 7:43:04 AM PDT by
To: cutty
OBAMA’S greenhouse rules. And there is the problem. Where does he get the authority to impose his own “rules”? I guess it comes from the NSA.
9 posted on
09/30/2013 11:16:28 AM PDT by
(".....Barrack, and the horse Mohammed rode in on.")
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