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To: Nervous Tick
ll And I also notice... you didn’t answer my direct question.

Because it's a loaded question. However, I like Liz Cheney because she's eloquent and outspoken and is willing to fight for conservative values. As that townhall participant complained on TV the other day, we are losing our country, but the representatives we elect won't fight back. I'm convinced Liz Cheney will, indeed, fight back.

174 posted on 08/10/2013 7:23:57 AM PDT by Fiji Hill
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To: Fiji Hill

>> I like Liz Cheney because she’s eloquent and outspoken and is willing to fight for conservative values.

Wow! You feel just like they encourage you to feel on your teevee! How accomodating of you!

You’re a chump. You’ve been had.

When has she ever fought for conservative values? WHICH conservative values? Clue: talking about it ain’t fighting for it.

And on the issues — there is ONE very IMPORTANT “conservative value” that she doesn’t even agree with, never mind fight for.

Visit her webpage. Nothing— not one damn thing — spelling out her positions on the issues. NOTHING on what she’ll actually DO for Wyoming. Just a giant picture, a giant DONATE TOAY!!! button, and some vague feelgood crapola, half of which is in tiny print you can hardly read with no paragraphs.

Almost like she doesn’t WANT you to actually read it — she just felt it would be gauche to have that huge DONATE button with zero yadda yadda, so she threw in some yadda yadda.

Stare back into that bland, vacuous face that entralls you, won’t you? You seem as vague and noncomittal as she is. She’s counting on a certain amount of that, since she really stands for nothing as much as marking “Senator” off her born-to-entitlement bucket list. She’ll need your type of voter to even have a ghost of a chance.

176 posted on 08/10/2013 10:05:59 AM PDT by Nervous Tick (Without GOD, men get what they deserve.)
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