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To: Fiji Hill
So she's a carpetbagger? Big deal!

Your examples are worthless and show you have no idea what 'carpetbaggin' means. Both of those Congressmen moved to districts after being gerrymandered out of their old one. If you're looking for a good comparison between Cheney and real carpetbaggers then you should look to Hillary Clinton and Bobby Kennedy, who both moved to New York for the sole purpose of running for the Senate. If you have no problem with them then I can see why you wouldn't have a problem with Liz.

161 posted on 08/09/2013 10:39:34 AM PDT by 0.E.O
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To: 0.E.O
Your examples are worthless and show you have no idea what 'carpetbaggin' means. Both of those Congressmen moved to districts after being gerrymandered out of their old one. If you're looking for a good comparison between Cheney and real carpetbaggers then you should look to Hillary Clinton and Bobby Kennedy, who both moved to New York for the sole purpose of running for the Senate. If you have no problem with them then I can see why you wouldn't have a problem with Liz.

A swing and a miss!

Didn't Dan Lungren and Tom McClintock move to new districts for the sole purpose of running for office? And they moved 400 miles--farther than Bobby Kennedy or Hillary Clinton moved. I call that carpetbaggin'!

I have no problem with what Bobby Kennedy or Hillary Clinton did, and neither did the voters of New York.

164 posted on 08/09/2013 11:01:52 AM PDT by Fiji Hill
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