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Only Rebellion Can Save America
New York Daily Sun ^ | Jan 25, 2013 | Lawrence Sellin

Posted on 01/27/2013 4:18:28 PM PST by Codetrader

Only Rebellion Can Save America

The US federal government has strayed so far from the Constitution and the rule of law that it can now be considered rogue and illegitimate.

Written by Lawrence Sellin

The thoroughly irresponsible rate of government spending projected over the next twenty-five years will drive federal debt to unsustainable levels. The country is heading for a financial meltdown and economic ruin.

The Republican Party is inept and impotent and cannot provide the necessary political opposition to the crimes and unconstitutional policies of the Obama regime or stand against the rampant voter fraud which is now polluting the electoral process. There is a report claiming that the Republican Party signed a legal agreement with the Democrat Party in 1982 not to pursue suspected vote fraud. If there is no guarantee of election integrity, then elections become only window dressing for tyranny.

Barack Obama is an illegal President and unindicted felon. Congress, the American media and the courts are engaged in a criminal conspiracy to conceal their complicity in perpetrating the Obama fraud on the American people. Law enforcement and our elected officials have chosen to risk the survival of the country rather than risk the truth.

According to recent reports, Obama continues to use a Social Security Number (SSN) not issued to him, in the process, committing numerous counts of social security fraud. The SSN Obama uses, issued in Connecticut, a state where he never lived, does not pass a check with E-Verify, the electronic system the U.S. Citizenship and Immigrations Services of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has created to verify whether or not prospective employees have the required authorization to work legally in the United States. It appears that the SSN Obama uses, was actually issued to a Harrison J. Bounel, born in 1890. Once issued, a SSN is never reissued to another individual. Why isn’t any of that evidence investigated? It is because Barack Obama is protected by a dishonest media and criminally complicit federal officials and, unlike ordinary Americans, he is above the law.

The US no longer has representative government. Members of Congress seek election not to uphold the Constitution and serve the American people, but to obtain power and to use that power to accrue professional and financial benefits for themselves and their major supporters. All the traditional means for the American people to seek the redress of grievances have now been blocked by a corrupt government composed of a self-absorbed permanent political elite unaccountable to the people.

The status quo is no longer defensible. Unless there is a significant reversal soon, it is only a matter of time that a catastrophe will be upon us, which will inevitably lead to national collapse and fragmentation.

All unconstitutional and unlawful policies of the Obama regime must be opposed, obstructed and undermined. The Democrat Party and their radical left-wing supporters must be aggressively and continuously confronted. The Republican Party must be defunded and its leadership replaced. The purveyors of disinformation and propaganda represented by most of the mainstream media must be professionally destroyed.

A county by county battle is the means by which the American people can restore the Constitution, establish responsible fiscal policies and take back control of the political process and the government. Patriots need to organize locally outside of the party apparatus to exert political pressure and prepare for armed defense, if necessary. No county officials, in particular the Sheriff, should be elected or maintained in office, who do not fully honor their oath to support and defend the Constitution.

Fundamental to this effort are the rights guaranteed under the Second Amendment. Each county should establish elements of an organized and disciplined Constitutional Army with sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence and individual liberty from anyone who might attempt to abuse them.

It is indeed ironic that the Mexican border made maximally porous by the Obama regime may become the route of choice for weapon and ammunition resupply, a Fast and Furious in reverse, capable of making gun control about as successful as the national prohibition of alcohol (1920-33), another failed “noble experiment” undertaken to reduce crime and solve social problems.

Efforts should be directed towards decreasing the influence of the federal government in county affairs, cooperating with federal officials and agencies only when it benefits local citizens. Counties should maximize the consumption of federal resources and overburdening federal agencies administratively while at the same time reducing or delaying taxes paid to the federal government. County residents should forcefully shun, oppose or drive out of business, individuals or media outlets, which support the criminal Obama regime.

“Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did, and it never will. Find out just what people will submit to, and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them; and these will continue until they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.” — Frederick Douglass, August 4, 1857.

Author Bio

Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. is a retired colonel with 29 years of service in the US Army Reserve and a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq. Colonel Sellin is the author of “Afghanistan and the Culture of Military Leadership“. He receives email at

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Front Page News; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: banglist; barackobama; bloodoftyrants; constitution; corruption; cwiiping; deadfedgovwalking; democrats; dnctreason; govtabuse; guncontrol; obama; obamatreason; rebellion; ruleoflaw; secondamendment; treason; typicaldnctreason; tyranny; youwillnotdisarmus
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To: Codetrader; Eaker; Absolutely Nobama; afnamvet; AK2KX; Ancesthntr; An Old Man; APatientMan; ...

CWII Ping!

101 posted on 01/28/2013 3:09:58 PM PST by Jack Black ( Whatever is left of American patriotism is now identical with counter-revolution.)
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To: mosesdapoet

This is not the NY Sun. It is the NY Daily Sun, a publication I never heard of

102 posted on 01/28/2013 3:31:16 PM PST by rmlew ("Mosques are our barracks, minarets our bayonets, domes our helmets, the believers our soldiers.")
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To: Windflier
And that will be bad news for black patriots like myself.

Thinking about this, I think that it is even more imperative that Black patriots carefully consider their location. The worst location might be in a suburb bordering a city with a large black ghetto population. That's where the city will invade the near suburbs and there will be a disctinct racial cast to it the confrontations that take place. Matt Backen has described some of these dynamics in his "Cube" essay.

The best location would be the same as for White patriots, a small rural community where you are well known. There I think you will have zero problems, because the vast majority of patriots are anti-racist and egalitarian in their outlooks, despite the nonsense the MSM spews.

103 posted on 01/28/2013 3:52:48 PM PST by Jack Black ( Whatever is left of American patriotism is now identical with counter-revolution.)
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To: Road Glide

“In the next place, the state governments are, by the very theory of the constitution, essential constituent parts of the general government. They can exist without the latter, but the latter cannot exist without them.” —Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution, 1833

104 posted on 01/28/2013 3:53:06 PM PST by Lucky9teen (Peace is that brief glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading.~Thomas Jeffer)
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To: OldPossum; Revolting cat!
I don’t see a scenario where Americans would sacrifice to interrupt their sports TV watching...

I don't know....Obama seems to be going after every group for some reason or another.

President Obama says football 'will probably (have to) change' to reduce head injuries

Eventually, everyone is going to get uncomfortable, under this regime, IMO. And for many, it's only when that happens, that people will see what we've been saying for so long. Now, whether they'll get up and do something, that is another thing...

105 posted on 01/28/2013 3:59:41 PM PST by Lucky9teen (Peace is that brief glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading.~Thomas Jeffer)
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To: Codetrader
The US federal government has strayed so far from the Constitution and the rule of law that it can now be considered rogue and illegitimate.

Do We Really Need the Constitution?
Louis Seidman: Why should long-dead white men be calling the shots?
(Newser) – A Constitutional scholar has an announcement to make: That old document is obsolete.

You will never ever recognize America by 2016. There will be no election in Nov 2016 - take it to the bank. UNLESS Americans are ready to take this onslaught head on, just go back to sleep, to your bread and circuses.
106 posted on 01/28/2013 3:59:55 PM PST by Cheerio (Barry Hussein Soetoro-0bama=The Complete Destruction of American Capitalism)
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To: Codetrader

Let it burn.

107 posted on 01/28/2013 4:03:02 PM PST by bayouranger (The 1st victim of islam is the person who practices the lie.)
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To: Mark17

That rebellion could happen, is almost a given, but which side will the armed forces come down on? That is the question.

Here’s the answer to that Q.

upaces88 says:

I don’t think we will have a problem at all with OUR Military. He has shown such disdain towards them, that they will NOT follow his orders to harm U.S. Citizens. I have been keeping this list.
Obama and the Military:
Obama decides the Ft Hood Shooting was a case of “Work place violence”; instead of Islam infiltrating Our Military;
Rips the Military Budget as he gives politicians a raise;
Cancels Military Retirement;
Changes the Rule of Military Combat Pay;
Ships shell casings of ammunition to China.
Announces to the world about the cut in Nukes;
Orders the Military to lie about Afghanistan;
Flags are flown at half staff when a hero dies — allows the American Flag at half mast for a black singer;
Decides NOT to give a Purple Heart to the survivors of the Ft. Hood Shooting calling it “work place violence”;
Fraudulent Affirmative Action Picked for Head Drill Sergeant;
Slashes 1,200 National Guard to 300 along the borders for Terrorists to enter;
Despite his approving of Sodomy and Bestiality — Military Restores Ban;
Disrespects Seal families;
Veterans’ Cemetery must ban “GOD and Jesus from Military graves.”
Violates the rights of Military Chaplains.
Lies about bin Laden’s death…won’t show pictures or video of Islamic burial at sea….lies about helicopter crash
No seals were Injured during Bin Laden raid…however, those who knew died (can’t remember the exact number)
Repeals DADT….
Wanted injured military to pay for their own medical expenses because they had volunteered to fight in the military…..
(12/28) Breaks Promise to Military and keeps Troops in Afghanistan until 2014
(01/12) Obama quietly signed the NDAA, the National Defense Authorization Act, which nullifies the Bill of Rights and declares America to be a “battleground” in which all American citizens can be arrested, imprisoned, tortured and even killed with no due process.
(2/09) Obama Guts Military and gives Bureaucrats a Raise
(2/10) Denies Hero(s) Purple Hearts — calling Ft. Hood Shootings as Work Place Violence
(2/14) Military Chaplains charged with sedition/Treason for teaching against sin
(2/16) Military to Fake Belly, Breast to better understand how females in the Military feel;
(2/25) Our Military burned Koran and Obama apologized causing the deaths of two Officers who were unarmed were shot in the back of the head in a secured location.
2/26 Obama doesn’t stand with Military as NATO tries to prosecute the Military men who burned Koran;
(2/26) Military Refuses to take orders from him;
(2/26) Takes healthcare away from Military;
Triples co-pay on their insurance.
(2/27) Obama mocks Military by burning a Bible
(2/27) Military now responsible for their own health care (even when they come back from the Middle East without a limb, etc.)
Under the Radar, he sends troops to 4 African countries
Changes Rules of Engagement
Forcing Troops to Lie about the Progress in Afghanistan
Obama threatens Chaplains: “You can’t preach against me in chapel.”

(3/4/12) Obama threatens Chaplains: “You can’t preach against me in chapel.”
(just following) Chaplains cannot preach against sin
3/27/2012 — Tax “our” Military to give to HIS New Military
4/14 – Army Generals Plead With Obama “Bring them HOME”
(4/23) – Military Rates Obama as the worst President they have served with
(4/25) Seals Blast Obama for using them as Campaign tools for going after Osama Bin Laden
(05/01/12) Forcing New West Point Cadets to become PC for Muslims
(05/04/12) Forced Our Military to shove their butts in the air praying position to Islam
(05/05/12) Cuts Military Budget “again” setting us up for defeat
(05/06/12) Chip under the skin for Military Personnel
(05/09/12) Backs Taliban as they Kill Our Military
(05/09/12) Claims Military are fighting on “his” behalf
(05/10/12) Obama Releases Taliban Terrorists while Military Man Held captive for 3 yrs
(05/11/2012) Obama Suspended Classes on Islam — The way to save the world is through Nukes (like WWII)…
05/13/2012) Slashes Military Budget for healthcare to build $750,000 exercise facilities for Muslims who are incarcerated
(05/13/2012) Obama Cuts $13 Billion from TriCare for Military
(05/14/2012) Obama offers purple heart to the victims of terror BUT NOT those at Ft. Hood+ considered Ft. Hood “work Place Violence”
05/16/2012) The Navy just fired it’s 16th command officer for 2011 REPLACED w/Obama Appointee
Navy Commander Fired Over Falsified Records REPLACED w/ OBAMA Appointee
NAVY FIRED Five Attack Submarines CO’s REPLACED w/ OBAMA Appointees
Navy Fires 10th CO This Year REPLACED w/ OBAMA Appointee
Navy Relieves CO of New Ship REPLACED w/ OBAMA Appointee
Navy Medicine CO Fired for Poor Command Climate REPLACED w/ OBAMA Appointee
NORTHCOM Commander fired REPLACED w/ OBAMA Appointee
( 05/21/12) President Betrayed Troops by releasing a known terrorist killer
(05/23/12) Obama Undermines Troops Putting Taliban in Power as They KILL OUR TROOPS;
(05/28/12) Memorial Day: Makes the day to honor OUR Troops all about him
(06/01/12) Veto promise comes because House GOP leaders are breaking faith with last summer’s budget deal by cutting overall funding for agency operating budgets by $19 billion,almost 2 percent.
(06/07/12) Obama’s uses Memorial Day to Campaing in Photo-Op by blocking families of Vets from D.C. Vietnam Memorial
(06/07/12) Same Sex Marriage on a Military Base
(06/08/12) Obama cuts back on Military causing them to have to improvise
(06/10/12) More Troops Die of Suicide than from War
(06/11/12) Memorial Day-Obama shuts out Military, friends/family forced to pay respect 100(s) of yards from the sit behind a fence
(06/11/12) Prior to this day, VietNam vets and family members denied access to wall
(06/11/12) Too busy to allow the Fly-Over by the Thunderbirds during the Memorial Day Celebration..he cut it short because he had places to go campaign,
(06/14/12) Pentagon Bans Bibles
(06/20/12) More Military are committing suicide than from being killed in battle.
(06/20/12) Disciplines Military for Burning Koran
(06/21/12) Obama Orders Military to Celebrate Gay Pride Month
(06/26/12) Obama Forbids Chaplains to mention Jesus
(06/30/12) Obama allows Terror-Linked CAIR Targets Navy Seals Training
(06/30/12) Obama wants Military to pay-up more on their Tricare Insurance
(07/03/12) Obama sends troops to Persian Gulf-further spreading troops thin
(07/07/12) Obama Refuses to Offer the Flag of the United States to the Family of a Fallen Hero; Gives the Responsibility to the Secretary of Defense

~~ That’s an impressive list.

108 posted on 01/28/2013 4:24:49 PM PST by bayouranger (The 1st victim of islam is the person who practices the lie.)
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To: Jack Black
The best location would be the same as for White patriots, a small rural community where you are well known. There I think you will have zero problems, because the vast majority of patriots are anti-racist and egalitarian in their outlooks...

Unfortunately, I moved from just such a location two years ago for business reasons. I was an active member of the local Tea Party there, as well.

My wife and I have been dying to get back to the country ever since the move. We're working hard to do so. Thanks for the encouragement.

109 posted on 01/28/2013 4:33:01 PM PST by Windflier (To anger a conservative, tell him a lie. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth.)
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To: rmlew

In the News/Activism forum, on a thread titled Only Rebellion Can Save America, rmlew wrote:
This is not the NY Sun. It is the NY Daily Sun, a publication I never heard of

Thanks for responding to my warning. That’s even worse. I don’t link to lib publications in fact I don’t think they should even be linked to but given a disputed article review like a book report. In which you cite the author’s name and publication pullout the writers assertions in quotes and challange taking them apart.

Be that is it may. Just because a publication claims someone with claimed authority comes up with inflamatory assertions doesn’t necesessarily mean they exist. Let alone respond favorably to those assertions particularly on the internet. They could have even posted a picture of some guy in a uniform and I still wouldn’t have responded. ie this sounds too much like trolling.

110 posted on 01/28/2013 4:48:23 PM PST by mosesdapoet (.Should this former Chicago "Mechanic" go out of retirement ?)
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To: PGR88
Think out of the box - what are small ways that everyone, young and old, can protest against the FEDS every day? A kind of protracted civil-disobedience campaign....

Any ideas?

Start small. Really small. Aim small, miss small. Pick a Lib, any Lib and do those little things that make their life a b!tch. Make them question how they live. Start small and keep it up.

111 posted on 01/28/2013 4:49:55 PM PST by APatientMan (Pick a side)
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Comment #112 Removed by Moderator

To: Jack Black; Travis McGee

ping on the message

113 posted on 01/28/2013 4:59:20 PM PST by Tainan (Cogito, ergo conservatus sum -- "The Taliban is inside the building")
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To: Windcatcher

EXCELLENT! Be the solution! :-)

114 posted on 01/28/2013 5:20:18 PM PST by Axenolith (Government blows, and that which governs least, blows least...)
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To: Codetrader

Well, we are being shunted that way. We have four boxes, the ballot box, well that failed us this time around, strike one. The soapbox, well the media is in their pocket, strike two. The jury box, well Robert’s ruling on Obongocare is foul ball to the left. What tend to keeps it alive, yet on life support, is that if any of us get on a jury on someone who is being charged with these trumped up laws and so on, we might still have the ability of jury nullification. The jury box is still to be determined in other words. After that, the trump card, the cartridge box?

115 posted on 01/28/2013 5:49:23 PM PST by Nowhere Man (Whitey, I miss you so much. Take care, pretty girl. (4-15-2001 - 10-12-2012))
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To: Jack Black
"Barack Obama is an illegal President and unindicted felon.


"Barack Obama is an illegal President and a war criminal who should stand trial at the Hague."


(Yes, I know the War Crimes Court at the Hague is a crock of UN nonsense. However, it's always sweet to watch evil feed upon itself.)
116 posted on 01/28/2013 7:45:24 PM PST by Absolutely Nobama (The Doomsday Clock is at 11:59:00......tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock.....)
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To: ought-six

“I think the military will break 50/50, same with LEO.”

I think you are optimistic, especially with regard to LEOs. It would be roughly comparable though, and there would be a qualitative difference. I see more line people going with the Constitution, and more pogues going with the State. If we fracture in this way, it could be as bad as the Spanish Civil War on a continental scale. A best case would be dissolution similar to that of the Soviet Union, with a generally apathetic and disengaged military and LEO. Unlikely though. The Soviets were jaded with bloodletting. We are just getting into it. Both sides.

God help us.

117 posted on 01/29/2013 5:39:57 AM PST by Psalm 144 (Capitol to the districts: "May the odds be ever in your favor.")
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To: Absolutely Nobama

After his crack to Dmitri Medvedev about “I’ll have more flexibility after the election”, The Won should have been impeached, removed from office, tried for treason, and last been seen dropping through the trapdoor of a gallows.

118 posted on 01/29/2013 6:01:26 AM PST by DuncanWaring (The Lord uses the good ones; the bad ones use the Lord.)
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To: DuncanWaring

For high office in Amerika treason is a job requirement, not a crime.

119 posted on 01/29/2013 6:16:08 AM PST by fattigermaster
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To: PGR88
Think out of the box - what are small ways that everyone, young and old, can protest against the FEDS every day? A kind of protracted civil-disobedience campaign....

Get off the grid. Move to, or organize a community of self-sufficient producers. Grow your own food. Barter. Home School. Giving up FR will be hard, though.

120 posted on 01/29/2013 6:17:20 AM PST by Sirius Lee (All that is required for evil to advance is for government to do "something")
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