His media fence has covered this up. He should be impeached.
Ahhh. The connection is made. The “consulate” wasn’t any such thing and both it and the annex were covers for a CIA black op running guns first to Libya, then to Syria and the Al Queda “resistance” therein.
2 words. Gun running
With the Administration’s blessing. Dead men tell nothing.
I don’t think the full truth, about either case, will ever be found out. The disinformation and cover-up, to protect the criminal 0bummer&CoRegimeFromHell, will be huge and well-orchestrated. Hope I’m wrong.
Obama’s slick... as slick as they come.
Need update immediately! Keep Wiki up-to-date.
FReepers with the most knowledge about what is going on in Washington please update..
The Great Purge a series of campaigns of political repression and murder in the Soviet Union orchestrated by Joseph Stalin . . . .
with appropriate examples and facts about Great Purges of modern times. Thanks. :)
Because his usefulness to Obama ended after the election.
I am guessing the Chicago Thugs got wind of this months ago, before Bengazi
And used this inside information to leverage Betrayus to create
lies about the video. Betrayus spouted the lies about the video, as well.
The Chicago Thugs thru someone told him to create the lies...
or else.
we are making enemies around the world.......they’re the worse kind too....they’re not in the public view...they’re carrying their hatred silently until it explodes....you can’t go around the world plotting against others and not expect it to backfire.
Patreus is a MORMON??????????????????????????????
This isn`t about Impeachment, it`s TREASON if obama/soetoro ordered Al-Qaeda be armed with weapons :
GAFFNEY: The real reason behind Benghazigate
Was Obama gun-walking arms to jihadists?