Hardly. He was chosen by only a third of the voters, at best, and they included crossovers and democrats bored because Obama was running unopposed.
He had a totally complicity media to include Fox News, the only conservative outlet. (And don't tell me otherwise...I know bias when I see it.)
He also buried his opponents with lies about their records due to a huge money advantage over them.
So, Romney has no more legitimacy as the nominee than I do.
That’s not correct and quite a selective / partial response. Many of those were closed primaries and he won by strong margins in many of them while simultaneously voters tossed out others highly supported by the establishment, such as long time Senator Richard Lugar - who did not even come close to winning (losing 61-39 - quite a revolt against such a long term, established incumbent).
You didn’t vote for him...I didn’t vote for him...but most of our fellow conservatives did. Those are the facts...trying to live in an alternate reality other than the one we are faced with and throwing a childish temper tantrum in a scorched earth strategy deliberately designed to cause harm to your country because you didn’t get your way is not in the least an appropriate thing to do. The stakes are way too high.