But this could NEVER happen here. Didn’t Obama promise if you like your eyesight,! under his plan you’ll be able to keep it?
Coming soon to the US.
Remember these are only the first steps of the Progressive end game. The end game consists of reducing the worlds population from 6 billion to 1 billion or less. At the top of the remaining 1 billion will be the super elite, super intelligent, progressives with the remainder as servants and slaves. How do you accomplish this: abortions, disrupt the food supplies, increase the cost and decrease the availability of energy, restrict medical access, crash the financial systems, institute wars, etc.
This is something that I’m somewhat familiar with. One effect if you wait too long for the surgery is that your brain essentially shuts off the bad eye - so you don’t even get your sight back with the new lens.
Cataracts is not something to play games with and if I lived in that wreck of a country I’d live in a smaller flat (as they call it) and put enough money in a savings account to be able to get it done myself - because most people will need it, if they live long enough.