Posted on 05/25/2012 9:09:43 AM PDT by kristinn
Reparations for Vietnam veterans.
Words fail me.
Not really, but I can not say what I am thinking.
Obama does lip-service to the brave men (and some women) who died in Vietnam. I wonder if he will have traitor John Kerry by his side?
Presidents usually speak at the ampitheatre at Arlington on Memorial Day. Even Bubba did.
Go play a round of golf you scum, instead of desecrating the memory of fallen heroes. He will probably drag along the traitor John Kerry to further ruin this day for the parents and kin of my lost comrades.
Go to Hell OBAMA
VAW-116 aboard USS Coral SEA CVA-43, Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club 1968-69
Memo to: Rolling Thunder
I want to hear your engines roaring during that speech. What a great way to celebrate your 25th anniversary.
As a Viet Nam veteran and brother to the fallen I duly declare ..Barak Hussain Obama you are not welcome on this hallowed ground. Your marxism is what we fought against.. You are one of the enemy and we have no treaty with you.....
This is a headline in Politico.....
0bama Takes Memorial Day Off, Sends Biden To Speak To Families Of Fallen Troops......
Hey, they are only dead Americans who gave their lives in defense of this country,...No big deal.
Feigning to admire the military. Is there nothing he won’t do, to get reelected?
A communist speaking at the memorial site dedicated to honor those who died fighting communism...
I’ll stop there. I don’t need any knocks on my door for saying how I truly feel...
As a Vietnam vet who spent a year in country, my visit to the wall a decade or so ago was one of the most moving experiences of my life. I agree with you; Obama is not welcome.
Obama is not welcome on the hallowed ground that is the Vietnam Wall.
BRAVO and DITTO to what you ahve both said! I hope Rolling Thunder salutes those men and women at the wall as only they know how, during the POS’s speech!
Were I there, I would be shunning him by turning my back during anything he has to say. This POS isnt worthy of shining the boots of the men and women on that wall!
Virtually everything he is doing lately (or his regime) has put our men and women in uniform in MORE danger!
I fully expect Obama to be struck by lightening right there at the podium on one of these campaign stops.
ah yes- the past three years this POS was nowhere to be found in DC on Memorial Day as he was to busy partying it up in its an election year and guess what??
If he sits on a bike and cracks the throttle to make noise, he will make Mike Dukakis look like a tank commander and the Fonz did jump a shark.
We could have a photo fopaw moment that even Biden couldn't do, let him roll with it....
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