Posted on 04/25/2012 6:01:44 PM PDT by NoLibZone
Texas Gov. Rick Perry originally endorsed Newt Gingrich as the top candidate after dropping out of the Republican presidential race.
But with Gingrich set to quit the campaign trail, Perry on Wednesday evening gave his support to the probable nominee, Mitt Romney.
"Mitt Romney has earned the Republican presidential nomination through hard work, a strong organization, and [a] disciplined message of restoring America after nearly four years of failed job-killing policies from President [Barack] Obama and his administration," Perry said in a statement provided to FOX News Channel.
"So today I join the many conservative Republicans across the nation in endorsing Mitt Romney for president and pledge to him, my constituents and the Republican Party that I will continue to work hard to help defeat President Obama.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Even Perry recognizes the difference between a lib republican and the evil, anti-american, marxist pig in the whitehouse. The country can survive Romney with unrelenting pressure from conservatives to do right. The country will not survive the demented, and literal, marxist bastard currently commanding power and dividing his opposition.
Well, I hate to bring you down to reality but,
one, the dust has settled. Romney is the nominee.
and two, what conservative are you gonna campaign for?
When this election is over, one of two people will be the president.
One of them is named Obama, the other is named Romney.
There is no conservative possibility, but Romney is at least fiscally conservative, loves America and is a moral human being.
You put the words in your own post.
Wake up.
“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. It is it's natural manure.”
I pray that it never happens... I pray for our salvation... but I depend upon no man for it. Anyone that trusts any politician, party or celebrity is setting themselves up for massive disappointment. Mark Levin talked about this yesterday. romney will change nothing... the very same international cabal that backs obama and the left are aligned with romney. Jimmy Carter all but endorsed romney yesterday. Do you have any idea as to why carter did that?
You can work for romney and give him your money and your time and efforts and promote him every day on FR... but millions of us are not going to vote for him and for absolutely valid reasons... and nothing that you can say or do will change that fact. We warned the gop since 2008... and we mean what we say. Unlike many republicans... our words actually mean something and our honor and integrity is real. No romney... no way... ever!
I don't believe Romney is fiscally conservative, or loves America or is a moral human being. Moral human beings don't support abortion.
Say what you like. Castigate away. But know that there are plenty of conservatives that won't vote for a liberal. And Romney is a liberal.
I hope you’re right. Some of them seem to have become almost cult-like in their stances. It scares me.
I love Free Republic. For 15 years, it’s been probably the first site I’ve come to every day.
This primary season has brought out the worst in us.
I see a few glimmerings of hope in that more people seem to be willing to admit that they will vote for Romney, even though they know they will be verbally abused by idiot chilren, some of whom will choose to ping Jim in the hope that he will tell us to shut up.
I know Jim is bitterly disappointed about the nominee but I know he loves our country and doesn’t want Obama to run it into the ground for 4 years.
He will come around. And then, everyone will.
Did you HEAR him say it, or just read it.
that should make Texas a lock for Romney although he would have gotten it anyway.
Really? So TX doesn't want Newt, I had no idea that TX was so liberal and haters of Our Constitution.
lonestar, I couldn’t possibly agree with you more. Texans are generally conservative and generous.
This primary has been a disaster for Free Republic. Too much verbal abuse has been tolerated and encouraged. It still hurts me to think of what was allowed here that was done to Rick Perry.
There was a ping list who went to every Perry thread and said horrible nasty vulgar things about him and also lies, of course. I complained a couple of times but not much was done.
Well, hooray, they got Perry out. The posters never had a favorite, someone who was supported by almost everyone.
Now, they attack anyone who sees reality staring them in the face.
It’s Romney or Obama.
No doubt Rick Perry is a patriot. But, I don’t know, Altura....I believe his dislike for Romney is strong. From what I’ve read, it dates back to Romney’s support for homosexuals in the Boy Scouts. I personally believe he had to grit his teeth to endorse Willard, but that’s just my opinion.
I have seen numerous people who plan to vote for the GOP nominee whoever it is explain their decision calmly and rationally and respectfully on this site.
I have also frequently seen such explanations met with lies, craziness, and abuse by people whose hearts are filled with hatred.
Everyone who has surfed this site regularly over the last week or two knows this to be true.
Who ... in your dream reality ... will be a conservative candidate?
At least dream about something possible, like winning the lottery. That’s what I dream about.
Hey, you can insult me but don’t insult Texas !
Did you hear from Perry he is supporting mitt? Or just read it?
love ya, babe. Perry is a devoted supporter of the Boy Scouts and would certainly be against allowing homosexual leaders.
As far as homosexual boys ... I have a soft spot for boys no matter what fad they’re going through and maybe the Boy Scouts would help them.
Perry is a realist. He would have made a good president and then he supported Newt. He doesn’t want our country to go completely down the drain.
He’s gonna support The Candidate and so am I.
Romney isn't. I won't vote for a liberal. Period.
Did y’all happen to notice that every Perry thread ends up with over 200 posters.
So it was when he was running.
My plan is to outlast them.
I believe that unreason and falsehood will not have the last word.
I pray you are right ry
Prayer is good.
That's where you fit in with your praise for the liberal mormon.
Now we see who the mittbots/liberals are all along. Did you personally hear NEWT say he is dropping out hear Perry SAY he is supporting mitt? NO!! But you WANT to believe it - shows what you have been all on
There are MORE (r) and (i) voters who oppose same sex marriages and abortion and socialism healthcare - so your dream of people coming around to vote for your cult leader is your wishing thinking.
People sink to their own level - you have shown your level is scum. People of your caliber - given a chance between romeny or barry - there is no difference except Romney is clearly 1%.
So take your enthusiasm for a pro homo, baby killing candidate off a conservative site - scum don't belong here. And how dare you clearly disobey the owner of this site with his warnings since '08 and saying he and others here will rallying around your filth godless cult mentality.
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