Israel is occupying Israel. Israel is building things in Israel. Israelis are living in Israel. Bad Israel. Bad.
To: Eleutheria5
sends a negative message, which is an obstacle to peaceWhen it comes to Palestinians the fact that one Jew even lives is an obstacle for peace.
2 posted on
04/24/2012 12:17:29 PM PDT by
Drill Thrawl
(The United States of America, a banana republic since 1913)
To: Eleutheria5
To think Jews in Israel were queuing up to vote in the French election.
They voted for Sarkozy....they may as well have voted Marine le Pen. She is more reliable in her opinions than Sarkozy or the leader of the left Hollande.
To: dennisw; Cachelot; Nix 2; veronica; Catspaw; knighthawk; Alouette; Optimist; weikel; Lent; GregB; ..
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Jews living in Judea and Samaria, not something Jordan would tolerate. As shame they entered the 67 war, they had another option but the Egyptians are said to have tricked them.
6 posted on
04/24/2012 4:08:42 PM PDT by
(As a black man, you know, Barack could get shot going to the gas station, M Obama) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson