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Busted: Neville Chamberlain-ish US Diplomat Chris Hill in Controversial JFK Dallas-Chic Photos
We Meant Well (Blockbuster whistleblowing State Dept. Book) ^ | 18 April 2012 | Peter Van Buren

Posted on 04/19/2012 8:08:30 PM PDT by AmericanInTokyo


Hill as LBJ on "Assassination Day 1963" fun n' games, USG assistant as "Jackie Kennedy" in trademarkdouble-breasted, strawberry pink and navy trim collared Chanel wool suit with match pillbox hat circa 1991, worn in Dallas, Tx that bloody, fateful day.

Taken whilst (Hill) US Ambassador to Iraq, during a masquerade party of some sort for US officials. This is the same man as a State Department officials who went along with the ridiculous SIX PARTY TALKS agreements with North Korea which amounted to nothing, reprehensively gave the enemy aid, allowed them to cheat, and build up their arsenal even more. Under pressure from Condi Rice and the Democratic House to sellout. More scandals are apparantly coming, including an actual video from the rooftop of a US facility in Baghdad involving two State Dept. officials, one a VIP, involved in a Bill Clinton-type lascivious and rather naughty act (out of boredom I suppose).

These as a whole are being mentioned with other State Dept. and Secret Service Scandals which could doom the image of the Obama Administration as out of control administration-wise, because of lack of ability to manage an organization.

(They cannot wiggle out of this one; note the small "JFK for President" campaign button on the female State Dept. lackey). Simply tasteless.

KEYWORDS: bjs; chamberlain; chrisjonghill; christopherhill; dallas; dprk; hill; iraq; jfk; milquestoast; miquestoast; obama; obamafail; scandals; sellout; sick; sixpartytalks; state; statedept; stategonewild
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This. Colombia. The GSA in Vegas. Dog on a car rooftop vs. dog in the belly of a future US President. Hillary getting smashed in a Cuban-product based bar in Cartagena. Will the Obama Administration embarrassing hits never stop? Poor, low-class public servants of the public trust if you ask me. Not only wasting money and violating standards, but doing so in rather distasteful manners. Many of us are old enough to remember that horrid day in November, 1963 and how Jackie's dress looked at the end of the day. Is this some how "funny", Mr. Ambassador?

1 posted on 04/19/2012 8:08:43 PM PDT by AmericanInTokyo
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To: TigerLikesRooster; SevenofNine; mkjessup; stephenjohnbanker; Steelfish; Ronin; Candor7

Ping! “Chris Jong Hill” surfaces AGAIN!

2 posted on 04/19/2012 8:10:21 PM PDT by AmericanInTokyo (Study closely socialist Hugo Chavez' usage of 'popular masses' in the streets to thwart 1992 coup)
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To: Jim Robinson

Ping, sir.

3 posted on 04/19/2012 8:13:23 PM PDT by AmericanInTokyo (Study closely socialist Hugo Chavez' usage of 'popular masses' in the streets to thwart 1992 coup)
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To: AmericanInTokyo

How about writing a literate commentary instead of this broken up garbage. No context, no timelines, no nothing.

This is useless as a reference and not trustworthy untill all the details about the incident are fleshed out.

Journalism 101: “Who, what, when, how, why, where”.

4 posted on 04/19/2012 8:18:09 PM PDT by MadMax, the Grinning Reaper
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To: AmericanInTokyo
doom the image of the Obama Administration as out of control administration-wise...

These comments always make me laugh. Look at how the LA Times spun down the Secret Service shenanigans. Silly, stupid constitutionalists... Until you beat the mainstream media at their own game, the American people just won't give a sh t.
5 posted on 04/19/2012 8:20:20 PM PDT by golux
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To: MadMax, the Grinning Reaper
Chinese Philosophy and Sayings from 3,000 years ago trumps Journalism 101:

【百闻不如一见 bǎi wén bù rú yí jiàn】

6 posted on 04/19/2012 8:27:40 PM PDT by AmericanInTokyo (Study closely socialist Hugo Chavez' usage of 'popular masses' in the streets to thwart 1992 coup)
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To: AmericanInTokyo

Congressman Foley supposedly gave the Dems the House in 2006, and these scandals/embarrassments keep piling up for Obama now. At the very least, I hope someone uses all of these incidents against the Dems.

7 posted on 04/19/2012 8:28:55 PM PDT by PghBaldy (Obama is afraid if he needs to start a fight with Catholics. He's losing the women's vote!!!)
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To: AmericanInTokyo

: )

8 posted on 04/19/2012 8:34:48 PM PDT by stephenjohnbanker (God, family, country, mom, apple pie, the girl next door and a Ford F250 to pull my boat.)
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To: MadMax, the Grinning Reaper
Further, from: The Common Hills Blogspot, (19 April 2012)

(PS Kindly don't start a flame war with yours truly on FR. I usually win them.)

"Someone needs to explain it to the State Dept. First, if you ask the American people if the State Dept needs $6 billion annually just for Iraq, the answer back is going to be NO. Not by a plurality but by a strong majority. Second, if you're spending taxpayer money, taxpayers have a right to expect updates. Under Barack Obama (US President) and Hillary Clinton (Secretary of State), the State Department has become as secretive as the Department of Justice under Bully Boy Bush -- and that's nothing to be proud of. The secrecy is evident in the continued attacks on Foreign Service Officer Peter Van Buren.

At his blog today, Van Buren's notes the violence in this post and the US Embassy in Baghdad's silence as well as including a photo that was also up in a post yesterday while everyone was focused on the US official who received a blow job on a Baghdad roof. The photo is of former US Ambassador to Iraq Chris Hill. It's Halloween and some woman has dressed as then-Jackie Kennedy which is in poor taste since she and Chris Hill are a 'couple' (at least for Halloween). Hill's dressed as? A Secret Service bodyguard of JFK's.

That's not funny. I hate Bill Maher, but if he did it, I wouldn't care. I wouldn't care about any private citizen. But Hill was the US Ambassador to Baghdad and he thought it was hilarious to mock the day JFK was assassinated? What kind of leadership did this asshole provide?

All the manic depressive kook did was rip apart the diplomtic ground work Ryan Crocker had established. Hill was afraid of Nouri al-Maliki. Gen Ray Odierno had to repeatedly calm the fretful Chris Hill down. So not only was he not up to the job (as we said in real time after he appeared before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee), he was a total creep. What he did was disgusting and that he did it an Embassy Halloween function? Chris Hill needs to be loudly condemned. I knew he was an ass and I knew he was an idiot but I was passed his personnel file before he was confirmed. Based on that record alone, he shouldn't have been confirmed.

But to now find out that the ass thought it was appropriate to mock one of the worst days in American history? To dress up as a Secret Service agent who wasn't able to protect Kennedy and some State Dept Woman (referred to as SDW from this point on) who thought she could dress up as Jackie Kennedy from the same day? Cause what's funnier than seeing your husband shot dead before your eyes? What's funnier than have bullets flying all around you? Did Jacqueline Kenney Onassis really deserve that 'joke'? She conducted herself on the day and the immediate days after in a manner that still sets a standard for First Ladies. And some employee of the State Dept thinks they can go to a department party mocking her? Mocking her on what was one of the scariest and saddest days of her life?

(FYI, SDW is an idiot for many reasons including her pink ensemble isn't what Jackie was wearing that day -- Jackie had on a pink skirt, a black top, a pink jacket and a pink hat, the idiot doesn't even the outfit right.) And Chris Hill didn't just give it a thumbs up which would have been bad enough, he actively participated in the sick 'joke' by dressing as a Secret Service agent. (In fairness to the Secret Service which is under fire right now, it should be noted that the 'joke' was in poor taste to their efforts that November day as well.)

That is disgusting. That is offensive and grasp, please grasp, that Hill was supposed to be a diplomat. He's an idiot and he owes the American people an apology. That little stunt wasn't funny and it wasn't cute. Apparently, if he'd remained in government service, he'd be dressed as a 9-11 victim this year and his date as the Twin Towers. This was beyond tasteless. Chris Hill needs to answer for this. And I think Hillary does as well. What did the White House think when they learned Chris Hill, at a party in Baghdad, thought it would be funny to lampoon the assassination of JFK? That is beyond tacky, it's beyond offensive, there's no excuse for it. Chris Hill is trash, 100% trash."....

9 posted on 04/19/2012 8:37:26 PM PDT by AmericanInTokyo (Study closely socialist Hugo Chavez' usage of 'popular masses' in the streets to thwart 1992 coup)
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To: AmericanInTokyo

I think he should lose his glasses and wear contact lenses. If he is serious about the first impression of him. Going back to the subject, he could have done us a huge favor if he was some diplomat doing nothing and looking for fun. If a man is stupid, he can save us from misery by being lazy. Stupid and lazy, a harmless combination. Stupid and dedicated, a deadly combination.

10 posted on 04/19/2012 8:38:36 PM PDT by TigerLikesRooster (The way to crush the bourgeois is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation)
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To: AmericanInTokyo

“Chris Hill needs to be loudly condemned. I knew he was an ass ... “

I dunno about that but he may be wearing a Galco `Jackass’ shoulder holster rig.

11 posted on 04/19/2012 8:47:02 PM PDT by tumblindice (Our new, happy lives.)
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To: MadMax, the Grinning Reaper
Max - I completely agree with your request. While this story may have some merit and deserve to be discussed, it is hard to figure that out from the disjointed, out of context ramblings included with the photo.

I don't try to start “flame wars” but most of us here have a limited amount of time to surf stories and a good concise explanation makes it much easier for all concerned!

12 posted on 04/19/2012 8:52:15 PM PDT by VikingMom (I may not know what the future holds but I know who holds the future!)
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To: AmericanInTokyo

There is no scandal where there is no standard of behavior. As sad as it makes me to admit it, the Dems have made it impossible for the public to reproach them for they have set the bar for themselves so low. If people are aware of these scandals, most will dismiss them with “Well, what did you expect?”

13 posted on 04/19/2012 9:18:39 PM PDT by Oratam
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To: AmericanInTokyo; All

Thanks as always for keeping us aware of these sorts of shenanigans AiT, you are a rare and true asset to FR and I appreciate you.

Now personally, this sort of atrocious behavior by Chris Jong Hill convinces me that when the day arrives that B’rack Insane 0bama checks out to meet his maker, that it will not be considered too tasteless or tacky when I dress up like the late Sammy Davis Jr., and belt out my cover of ‘The Kenyan Man’:

“Who can make the unicorns, crap Skittles out their ass?
The Kenyan Man can, oh the Kenyan Man can!
The Kenyan Man can ‘cause he mixes it with old communistic class warfare,
With corrupt Secret Service whore-fare,
The TSA conducting urban warfare,
And the media as always, don’t care!

The Kenyan Man makes everything he bakes divisive and oh-so-putrid,
We’ve not even touched what Moochelle did,
Fast & Furious? Those records got hid!”

Hey, gotta run, it’s late! I’ll be here all week, don’t forget to tip your server and try the veal! :)

14 posted on 04/19/2012 9:21:37 PM PDT by mkjessup (Finley Peter Dunne- "Politics ain't beanbag")
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To: AmericanInTokyo

mon Dieu! Where on Earth did you find such a painting?

15 posted on 04/19/2012 9:49:33 PM PDT by Prospero
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To: mkjessup

LOL ! Try the veal!

16 posted on 04/19/2012 10:17:14 PM PDT by AmericanInTokyo (Study closely socialist Hugo Chavez' usage of 'popular masses' in the streets to thwart 1992 coup)
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To: AmericanInTokyo; MadMax, the Grinning Reaper
How about writing a literate commentary instead of this broken up garbage. No context, no timelines, no nothing.
This is useless as a reference and not trustworthy untill all the details about the incident are fleshed out.
Journalism 101: “Who, what, when, how, why, where”.

+1 on this. Gotta add a big WTF? also.
google translate is not yer buddy.

17 posted on 04/20/2012 4:18:42 AM PDT by Tainan (Cogito, ergo conservatus sum)
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To: AmericanInTokyo

Clinton throws back a beer in Colombia, April 15, 2012.
Hillary Clinton parties in Colombia: Photos of dancing, beer-slugging secretary of state cause stir

Always with the women....heh heh heh
18 posted on 04/20/2012 4:31:15 AM PDT by Tainan (Cogito, ergo conservatus sum)
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To: Tainan

After all she has that reverse-British marriage.

19 posted on 04/20/2012 4:56:34 AM PDT by steve8714 (The answer, surprisingly, is Carnahan.)
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To: MadMax, the Grinning Reaper

Good comment, it seems like (maybe) this picture is from 1991?

It’s a disgusting costume to wear and if this one done by US Gov’t employees at a US Gov’t function it is even more disgusting.

Really, I despise the Kennedys but JFK gave his life for this country and to mock that or mock his wife on what was no doubt a worse day than many of us will ever have is just unconscionable.

Now, as you say, if only we really knew WHO these people are, WHERE this happened, WHEN this happened, and WHY this happened, oh yeah and WHERE ARE THEY NOW, well, then we might know if it was important or just disgusting.

20 posted on 04/20/2012 5:45:32 AM PDT by jocon307
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