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To: ohioWfan

Having worked at that agency long before Bush became president, both of them, I know that stupid decisions were the norm. Every administration appointed political hacks and favorite people to head the place up. However, whenever a scandal erupted in the past, each one took it in stride, fired the hack and moved on. Not this guy, he has to blame someone else. He is such a fraud to make me want to give up my citizenship as I hate having to be known as from a country where he is a president or even could be elected president. The irony is given the probability that an equally vapid person will be running against him this year, I fear he could win a second term. I know Reagan is not coming back but when I consider Romney will be running, I cannot believe there is no one who be a better qualified candidate. Woe is us.

6 posted on 04/09/2012 7:28:26 AM PDT by Mouton (Voting is an opiate of the electorate. Nothing changes no matter who wins..)
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To: Mouton
He is such a fraud to make me want to give up my citizenship as I hate having to be known as from a country where he is a president or even could be elected president.

You aren't the only one with those feelings, Mouton.

I have never been ashamed of my country before. We have never been perfect, and we have had our struggles, but the fact that Obama was elected by an ignorant, drooling American public, and the fact that nearly half this country is so brain dead that they still approve of this treacherous, Marxist, arrogant narcissist scares the living daylights out of me.

Where can we go if he is reelected? What can we do to stop the destruction of this great nation if he gets another 4 years?

While I am far from a Romney supporter.....FAR from it.....he may be our only stopgap measure to keep America from utter tyranny. (Santorum's chances of defeating him are waning). He won't be anything like this. At least he's an American.

8 posted on 04/09/2012 7:46:52 AM PDT by ohioWfan (Proud Mom of a Bronze Star recipient!)
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