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To: fightinJAG

What is wrong with being hired to develop an argument or a marketing plan? Keep in mind there isn’t one company in the country who doesn’t lobby on their own behalf in some form. It’s everyone’s free speech right to ask for anything. It’s up to the elected politicians to take responsibility for what they agree to do.

Newt has said in the debates he is for the GSE model in some cases. He said in the last one that it worked well for Fannie and Freddie for decades before changes were made. If you disagree, that’s fine, but there is nothing inconsistent here between his positions and his private-sector work for the companies.

Obviously the model existed for decades and only caused a problem in recent years. So the story is more about what was changed with these institutions that may have contributed to the bubble than the mere fact of their existence. Without seeing the specifics of Newt’s argument, we have no idea whether it would have been arguing for changes that would have prevented the crisis, made it worse, or been neutral. There’s no “there” there at this point.

And, no, none of Newt’s supporters are arguing that he is some magic swami who was right 100% of the time and never supported a bad policy. We’re just saying he’s been right on some very big things more often than Santorum or (*choke* *sputter* *chortle*) Romney. And he has a track record of getting things done while he was in Congress, not just talking about things like Ron Paul.

Absolutely we will need to hold any President’s feet to the fire. Newt is obviously the best choice even if just for that reason, since he will have to be on his best behavior all the time, with the entire establishment out to pounce on him for any mistake he might make.

51 posted on 01/25/2012 4:01:28 PM PST by JediJones (Newt-er Romney in 2012!)
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To: JediJones
What is wrong with being hired to develop an argument or a marketing plan?

For Freddie Mac?

At a time when the Bush administration was trying, against much Democrat opposition, to strengthen regulation of these sinkholes?

And an "argument or a marketing plan" PITCHED TO REPUBLICANS ON CAPITOL HILL?

Sorry for shouting, but really, this is the key here.

All in all, this just shows poor political judgment, in my view.

Might we have to live with this type of mentality in the White House? It looks like we might. But that's no excuse for glossing over the glaring lack of conservative political instincts that have characterized Newt over the years.

53 posted on 01/25/2012 4:32:56 PM PST by fightinJAG (So many seem to have lost their sense of smell . . .)
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