Posted on 12/26/2011 9:38:55 AM PST by marktwain
Clive, IA --( Caucus season is upon us and while Second Amendment issues are being discussed by presidential candidates, its extremely important for us to be active in the local party caucuses on Tuesday, January 3.
IFC and NRA do a tremendous amount of heavy lifting to advance your rights at the Capitol, but ultimately its the grassroots efforts of our members that really make the biggest difference.
For example, IFC members utilizing our Action Center:
* Accounted for the bulk of e-mails received by legislators when we achieved victory with Shall Issue in 2010. * Helped us get behind the legislation that resulted in the mourning dove season in Iowa. This was an effort that had failed in Iowa for year after year until you helped us out! * And, once again helped fight against the DNRs covert attempt to slip a ban on traditional ammunition on to that dove season (a fight we still have on our plate for 2012!).
IFC and NRA are asking you to step up and help us in a big way. Visit our website for access to our 2012 Caucus Package page and help us add a plank to the party platforms that is extremely important for Second Amendment rights in Iowa.
Weve also released our 2012 Legislative Agenda. When you go to the caucus to submit a plank supporting an enumerated right to keep and bear arms in our state Constitution, be sure to take copies of our legislative agenda to distribute to your pro-Second Amendment neighbors.
While you will often hear local media sources boasting of Iowas progressive actions on various political topics, it cant be overlooked that Iowa is terribly behind the curve when it comes to recognizing Second Amendment and self-defense rights.
Iowa Firearms Coalition, your Iowa-based NRA Affiliate Organization, has garnered support from numerous other organizations in our efforts to move Iowa the right direction on Second Amendment initiatives. Iowa State Rifle and Pistol Association, Iowa Sportsmens Federation and IFC Affiliate, the Iowa Chapter of Safari Club International have all offered their support of our agenda.
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Iowa Firearms Coalition Announces 2012 Legislative Agenda & 2012 Caucus Package Monday, December 26th, 2011 at 11:26 AM Tags: Gun PoliticsIFCIowaIowa CarryIowa Firearms CoalitionPro Gun Groups Iowa Firearms Coalition
Iowa Firearms Coalition
Clive, IA --( Caucus season is upon us and while Second Amendment issues are being discussed by presidential candidates, its extremely important for us to be active in the local party caucuses on Tuesday, January 3.
IFC and NRA do a tremendous amount of heavy lifting to advance your rights at the Capitol, but ultimately its the grassroots efforts of our members that really make the biggest difference.
For example, IFC members utilizing our Action Center:
* Accounted for the bulk of e-mails received by legislators when we achieved victory with Shall Issue in 2010. * Helped us get behind the legislation that resulted in the mourning dove season in Iowa. This was an effort that had failed in Iowa for year after year until you helped us out! * And, once again helped fight against the DNRs covert attempt to slip a ban on traditional ammunition on to that dove season (a fight we still have on our plate for 2012!).
IFC and NRA are asking you to step up and help us in a big way. Visit our website for access to our 2012 Caucus Package page and help us add a plank to the party platforms that is extremely important for Second Amendment rights in Iowa.
Weve also released our 2012 Legislative Agenda. When you go to the caucus to submit a plank supporting an enumerated right to keep and bear arms in our state Constitution, be sure to take copies of our legislative agenda to distribute to your pro-Second Amendment neighbors.
While you will often hear local media sources boasting of Iowas progressive actions on various political topics, it cant be overlooked that Iowa is terribly behind the curve when it comes to recognizing Second Amendment and self-defense rights.
Iowa Firearms Coalition, your Iowa-based NRA Affiliate Organization, has garnered support from numerous other organizations in our efforts to move Iowa the right direction on Second Amendment initiatives. Iowa State Rifle and Pistol Association, Iowa Sportsmens Federation and IFC Affiliate, the Iowa Chapter of Safari Club International have all offered their support of our agenda.
Thanks for your support of Second Amendment issues! Jeff Burkett President Iowa Firearms Coalition
About Iowa Firearms Coalition: The mission of the Iowa Firearms Coalition is to be THE firearms rights organization in Iowa, representing Second Amendment concerns for all firearms owners in the state. We will staunchly defend the rights of hunters and sportsmen as well as the rights of all Iowans to defend themselves and their loved ones. We seek to partner with other like-minded organizations to increase our effectiveness in accomplishing these goals. Visit:
The IFC along with the NRA have been instrumental in getting Iowa changed from a ‘may issue” to a ‘shall issue” State.
There are still lingering issues that need to be addressed this session and the IFC’s Action links are great ways to contact ones representatives and express how one feels about the issues!
Sign up for membership on the site...their doing a great job for us!!
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