The fate of the nation is at stake and 40% of NC voters are less likely to vote for Perry, because 20 years ago he made an unkind statement about the taste of NC barbecue?!
And why is the poll even asking that question, who even remembers that -- the only reason is to try to use even the most ridiculous thing against Perry.
Perry ping
Whatever :-)
The Left can play mindgames and spin meaningless numbers all they want to.
That's depressing. I mean, how can someone defend that?
Indeed. You’d have to be NUTS to support that open borders fraud, La Raza Rick !
The survey also found that Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s comments back in 1992 that he had tasted road kill that tasted better than Eastern North Carolina barbecue were not helpful. The poll found that 75 percent of Tar Heel voters disagreed with that statement, and 40 percent of voters were less likely to vote for him because of that statement.
I ordered a chicken sandwich once in Virginia very close to the North Carolina border and was shocked to discover that said sandwich contained bones...
I will never, ever vote for NC chicken sandwiches again!
If anyone believes this PPP poll, I got a bridge in Brooklyn for sale cheap.
Become a monthly donor to Free Republic and another bitter clinger will donate $10 in your honor!
In none of the polls does Obama pull over 50%. Not good for Barry, no matter how you try to spin it...
It’s because Boehner is horrible as Speaker of the House.
Well, NC barbeque is pretty bad.
So that would be a credit to Perry’s honesty and sense of taste.
isn’t this one of the polls used by MSNBC? It’s as believable as the jobs bill that will turn the economy around like it was 1995 all over again. Let them take a Poll with a Romney/Cain ticket {you know they will only poll demorats}
Maybe you haven’t been here for some time but addicted Freepers like myself and other know that PPP is run by Soros and the magic phrase IN THE ARTICLE IS PPP is “DEMOCRAT LEANING”.
“Eastern-style barbecue”
Is that not an oxymoron?
We must get use to the fact that between now and the election,
the Marxist media is going to become like drug crazed moon-bats.
They will try every trick in the book to keep their anointed
messiah in power.
Dont believe the latest BS from the state media. This clown won by 2% of popular vote. Do you really believer he hasnt annoyed 3% of the population by now? This is our election to lose and like a pit bull sensing weakness, we need to go for the throat and hold the community organizer administration accountable and by the throat. If he wins by blaming Bush for his whole term I guarantee he will lose.
Holding firm on the Far Left/African American vote only gets you so far.
Cain will show up and show them what leadership and problem solving is. Not a paid agent of Cain, but this guys past is littered with situations where an organization was ineffective and hemmoraging cash and he directed and put the right people in charge and turned the books around. The current leadership got fame through Community
organizing (extortion) and has never been accountable for anything but grades.
As far as the BBq thing goes, I am from NC and they answered the BBQ question, muttered, then formed an opinion of the questioner. Then they responded in that NC accent that seems so cute and ignorant. Don’t believe the hype. NC is so far right they are further from DC philosophicly than Alaska is geograhicly. They just humor strangers better than most.
PPP = Push Poll Propaganda
The fickle electorate will cast their vote for the most superficial reasons like how they comb their hair. When voters determine their vote based upon Governor Perry’s roadkill barbecue comparison, athey are susceptible to any propaganda spewed out my the State Owned Media.