Posted on 08/26/2011 9:40:24 AM PDT by NautiNurse
In before the ping!!!!
Just one minior correction...
Your tracking map (the 2nd one) is dated from August 22nd.
In regards to post #4, after hitting ENTER and going back to your thread, I saw the map has been corrected.
Never mind...
I began my panic this afternoon with a trip to the supermarket. I loaded up with beans. That way if I need gas I won’t have to wait in any lines.
WBOC - Salsibury Maryland
WMDT - Salisbury, MD
These cover the entire DelMarVa Peninsula
We are directly in it’s path here in coastal Carolina. Please pray. I’m worried. The rain seems to have started now. I’ll try to post updates.
You’re back!!!
And just in time too. :)
A Hurricane Watch is in effect for... * north of Sandy Hook to the mouth of the
Merrimack River Massachusetts...including New York City...Long Island...Long
Island Sound...Block Island...Boston...Marthas Vineyard and Nantucket.
Max sustained winds 105 mph, 942mb
Moving N at 14 mph
Hurricane force winds extend 90 miles from the center
Tropical storm force winds extend 290 miles from the storm center
My neighbor has a son living on Chesapeake Bay---I think she said on an island?--Harris Island?-Bailey Island?.....he & his wife were told all cars had to be taken off the island...
..which they did, but HE went back to stay with the house!!!!.....not a good idea
I’ll be joining other hams in providing communications support to our emergency management office this weekend. As an FYI, if you have a single side band short wave radio, here is the net activation announcement:
The Hurricane Watch Net has activated as rapidly developing Hurricane Irene makes its way through the gulf. The net is active on 14.325 MHz USB, information isavailable at
Trying to get my happy go lucky 25 year old daughter in NYC to take it seriously ... really getting on my nerves. I hope she survives it ok. She doesn’t think anything bad will EVER happen to her.
Putting you at the top of the list of folks who don’t read the thread that I spent literally hours pulling together. Stormpulse link is up there, and was there for the previous thread too. :o)
Please take care! I am here in coastal NJ (but on high ground) and am thinking about everyone in the path of this monster.
Hoping and praying that Irene fizzles (did I hear she has lost some strength?).
Praying for our FRiends in North Carolina especially right now...
At least most tracts don’t show the hurricane going up the Chesapeake Bay where the relatively shallow water could create a pretty high wave as it did in RI hurricane in the 40s.
I live in Florida and have been through several hurricanes. GET OUT NOW! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Hurricane Charlie got me good.
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