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Obama's New Fuel Economy Standards Will Increase Cost of a Car More Than $11,000 ^
| 08-18-11
| Nicholas Ballasy
Posted on 08/18/2011 10:07:32 PM PDT by Lazlo in PA
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This CAFE stuff is across the board. Big Rigs and Suburbans are thrown in. I think it is great that there is push-back in the House over the light bulb ban, but this is a far more serious issue. The automakers are going to have to price normal size cars so high that everyone has to by Smart car size stuff for them to meet these outrageous fleet standards. I better start hearing about this on the campaign trail and fast.
To: Lazlo in PA
Not to mention that it will also drive healthcare costs up when people get into accidents.
On the plus side, you might be able to buy a funeral at bulk-rate prices! :)
posted on
08/18/2011 10:11:53 PM PDT
To: Lazlo in PA
Countdown until Obama leaves Office: 520 days as of August 18, 2011.
posted on
08/18/2011 10:12:14 PM PDT
(The piss-stream media - Never to be watched again in my house)
To: Lazlo in PA
I’m going to buy a new 4x4 pickup the day before these new regs go into effect, and keep it until I die. However, I would also like to buy one of those little Messerschmidt cars you showed, just to say I own a Messerschmidt.
To: Lazlo in PA
WOuld be easy with the NeW.... MyT engine.. of Angel Labs...
posted on
08/18/2011 10:16:55 PM PDT
(This propaganda has been edited to include some fully orbed hyperbole...)
To: Lazlo in PA
The miles per gallon is 58 miles a gallon. That is huge. I just bought my new car in July 2011....A toyota so I won’t be in need of a new car until 2017.
To: Lazlo in PA
Elections do have consequences. Americans better pull their heads out of their *** before 2012. They got their “historic” election now it’s time for us to try to save what is left of our country if we can.
posted on
08/18/2011 10:22:38 PM PDT
(Americans need to wean their government off of its dependence on foreign money.)
To: FlingWingFlyer
Yeah, I read that the Chevy Volt is selling at about 100 or less units per month (or is that quarter) because of the BIG DEMAND.
Socialism Kills.
posted on
08/18/2011 10:25:27 PM PDT
(Socialism Kills - law abiding citizens with firearms do not.... unless you deserve it.)
To: ozzymandus
I like micro cars like the Messerschmidt just to goof around, but I am increasingly upset that the full size cars I rely on to protect my family are going to dry up fast.
Things are so bad, this is the new Bentley Barnato that the company has to sell to make fleet averages. Who is going to pay $50K for a micro car?
posted on
08/18/2011 10:29:23 PM PDT
Lazlo in PA
(Now living in a newly minted Red State.)
To: napscoordinator
By the time 2017 rolls around, a sensible sized car will be a thing of the past.
posted on
08/18/2011 10:31:32 PM PDT
Lazlo in PA
(Now living in a newly minted Red State.)
To: Jonty30
That’s the whole idea. They want you to “nudge” you into the “free market choice” of moving into a rack-and-stack appartment next to a bus line.
posted on
08/18/2011 10:41:08 PM PDT
To: Lazlo in PA
It’s NOT JUST electricity...
The cost of a car will necessarily SKYROCKET!
The cost of everything will necessarily SKYROCKET!
posted on
08/18/2011 11:05:04 PM PDT
(0bama, Making the US safe for Global Marxism)
To: Lazlo in PA
What a jerkball. As if imposing new, arbitrary standards is the achievement. Not getting 40% more mileage out a car, which is a near miracle.
Hey, by the year 2019, I suggest all mile runners complete their races in under 2 minutes and 50 seconds. Whaddya say?
posted on
08/18/2011 11:08:24 PM PDT
Attention Surplus Disorder
(Both sides need to put aside the partisan bickering, & work out how much free stuff I get)
To: Lazlo in PA
just imagine what their new heavy-truck mileage requirements will do to the distribution of goods and services.
To: Lazlo in PA
That’s why I hold on to my 1982 Yamaha 50cc motorcycle just in case. (100 mpg maybe).
posted on
08/18/2011 11:48:48 PM PDT
Studebaker Hawk
(These geeks are a dime-a-dozen. I'm looking for the man with the dimes. Freddy Blassy)
To: Lazlo in PA
There is a physics-bound limit to what the car can be, and still do that. Some fantastically high priced light magnesium alloy would be needed to keep vehicles to the sizes that people have come to expect, and even losing weight won’t help highway fuel economy very much.
posted on
08/19/2011 12:24:01 AM PDT
HiTech RedNeck
(There's gonna be a Redneck Revolution! (See my freep page) [rednecks come in many colors])
To: Lazlo in PA
$11,000? Soon that will be just an ounce of gold! No Problem!
posted on
08/19/2011 12:25:22 AM PDT
Loud Mime
(Democrats: debt, dependence and derision)
To: Lazlo in PA
Part of 0bama’s Kenyan economic theories..
posted on
08/19/2011 12:46:33 AM PDT
sheik yerbouty
( Make America and the world a jihad free zone!)
To: Lazlo in PA
Remind me, do we still have a Congress, or is Obama King?
Today Obama issues a Treasonous EO giving back door amnesty to ILLEGAL ALIEN LAWBREAKERS (oxymoron) and it isn't even a blip on the Lamestream Media Radar Screen.
What the hell is going on here? Are we a Nation of Laws or a Banana Republic of Lawless Lawmakers?
posted on
08/19/2011 1:01:38 AM PDT
Kickass Conservative
(If Sarah Palin was President, you would have a job by now.)
To: Lazlo in PA
I was reading estimates of price increases of only $2500, but I knew that was baloney.
posted on
08/19/2011 1:07:57 AM PDT
(HARRY: Money Mob & Influence (See my Expose on Reid on written by me!))
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