Posted on 07/25/2011 9:38:36 AM PDT by reaganaut
- A mystery man arrested on minor charges more than three weeks ago remains behind bars in Utah while law enforcement officials try to determine his true identity, which he refuses to reveal.
"This is really a strange case," said Lt. Dennis Harris with the Utah County Sheriff's Office. "He just doesn't want to be found."
The unidentified man, who has graying hair, a light beard and is believed to be in his 60's, was arrested on July 1 for trespassing in a parking garage.
He was booked into jail on three misdemeanor charges and has thwarted any chance of release, with or without bail, by refusing to identify himself.
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aw dang, I knew I should have checked first.
Great movie!
Failure to identify yourself is not a crime. The crime is that they have not taken him before a magistrate as the Utah law requires.
If he were thought to be an illegal alien then he still does not have to identify himself, it is for the courts to decide if he is here legally or not, or if he is a criminal.
What is this country coming to if people like you think it is a good idea for someone to be held indefinitely just because he isn’t doing what he is told. If he has committed a crime, they don’t need his name, they can try him as a John Doe. I swear you people think the constitution should be thrown out.
Been out working on the spare room . . .
while unknowingly being further shredded out of the blue for no good nor rational reason on FR by folks I thought I was close Christian Brother to.
Not sure what your point is about web access in what jail.
Heh... just implying that you’re the mystery prisoner, because *clearly* you need some irony and some cheering up! :’)
It’s good and creepy too. :’) Kinda fits this, in an amusing way. If he vanishes from the cell, we’ll know what’s going on.
There is that, alright. Thanks for your good and caring efforts.
Irrationally Faithless “Christian” Friends/Bros/Sisters have never been easy for me to handle well.
Fascinating. Sure looks like Ray Gricar.....the eyebrows, lines at the edge of his eyes, nose. Ray Gricar was officially declared dead yesterday, July 25, 2011.
I know of no provision in the U.S. Constitution or in any state constitution that supports or advocates for anarchy. Only libertarians are advocates of anarchy.
The actual laws in Utah, state that you must identify yourself. If you want to prove a point and rot in jail - I guess that is your right. No one is torturing this man to give up his name. He's just sitting in a cell until he gives his name - how long he sits there is entirely up to him.
I did not advocate for anarchy, I say follow the Constitution. It limits governement.
Highly probable match.
That is a very difficult job in Norway where they demand first class hotel like accomodations.
So charge him under that statute as a John Doe and call it time served. If he hasn’t been before a magistrate regarding this matter, then the POLICE are the ones that have broken the Utah law.
Indefinite incarceration for a class B MISDEMONOR is cruel and unusual punishment.
Sure, as soon as he gives his name.
This holdup is not due to anything other than a person wishing to further some chaos into the system. Chaos NEVER results in furthering the cause of ‘Good’; and ALWAYS furthers the cause of ‘Evil’.
He need not produce papers; all he has to do is say “My name is ....” and be truthful. That’s it.
How do we know if he’s here legally? Or, are illegals simply allowed not to identify themselves, and are then allowed to commit a crime - and are released? You want two forms of justice - I demand one uniform mode of justice. He was caught in the commission of a crime; and has refused to identify. As soon as he produces his name - he’s free to move through the system like everyone else.
No one is entitled to a ‘free’ ride. And, the Supremes as well as Local courts all agree with me.
He doesn’t need to give his name in order to be tried.
And from the picture, I seriously doubt he is an illegal. If you are so concerned with illegals, why don’t you do something about Utah’s sanctuary policies.
You are the one who is saying he has to conform to what the police want when there is a law that specifies he must have been brought before a magistrate already.
He was arrested on a simple trespass charge. They are holding him indefinitely on a MISDEMEANOR, and because he refuses to give in to ‘big brother’ and that is wrong. I have no doubt that many illegals are told to just ‘move along’ for things like that.
Requiring a name and DOB from a person arrested is following the Constitution.
It is? Show me wjere because I can find it nowhere in my copy or online.
You are obtuse. Go read some court decisions.
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