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Jim Stone, Freelance journalist ^ | Unknown | Jim Stone

Posted on 07/05/2011 10:09:34 AM PDT by Dick Bachert

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If this PLOT (and that's the only word that fits) goes ahead, this country is TOAST! It is long and quite technical but if you care about this country, you'd better take the time to read it. While Obozo and his New World Odor handlers have cooked up this one, at the end of this piece you'll read how earlier NWO handlers got old Jimma Carter to screw us during his term. He SHOULD have served a term in prison for what he did.

And here's a aspect of this PLOT that the author sort of hid between the lines: If these TRAITORS do succeed in sectioning the country into smaller, unconnected and UNCONNECTABLE, stand alone grids, it would make it easy for Obozo or some future tyrant to quell an uprising by angry citizens by shutting off their power for a few months or until they surrendered. Given our dependence on electric power, life would get pretty miserable.

If you fail to get up to speed on -- and SHARE -- this one, you'll most likely find yourself shivering or roasting in the dark until your canned food runs out and you have to start collecting rain water and shooting squirrels in the back yard, dying in the local hospital because they ran out of diesel for the emergency geny, etc., etc. -- or you surrender and resume your life as a good little serf.

Paranoid? Perhaps. But if you don't think the present criminal crew in D.C. is capable of this, you simply haven't been paying attention to what they've already pulled off with nary a whimper from the citizenry.

1 posted on 07/05/2011 10:09:37 AM PDT by Dick Bachert
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To: Dick Bachert

You a sparky?

2 posted on 07/05/2011 10:17:06 AM PDT by El Sordo (The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen.)
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To: Dick Bachert
So let's say a hurricane takes out Louisiana and all their generating facilities are damaged - the grid will provide power from Texas to help them get back on their feet.

I quit here, since it is clear the writer didn't do his homework. There are 3 grids in the continental US - Eastern, Western, and Texas. No significant amount of power can be transferred from the Texas grid to either of the other two, or the other way around.

3 posted on 07/05/2011 10:29:07 AM PDT by PAR35
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To: Dick Bachert

We need to isolate nuclear facility control systems from the internet, so that they can’t be infected by viruses, if we haven’t done so already.

4 posted on 07/05/2011 10:30:24 AM PDT by DannyTN
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To: Dick Bachert

Most digital devices these days have universal power supplies 90 - 240VAC, 50 - 69Hz so that you can have sales in the US 120/60 europe 240/50 and Japan 90/60.

Although it can be fun to tell a Democrat with an Analog watch that the line frequency varies and they should check their watch several times a day. Yes the watch has nothing to do with Line power but it’s a great judge of their stupidity.

5 posted on 07/05/2011 10:31:21 AM PDT by vwbug
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To: vwbug

Oops 60Hz

6 posted on 07/05/2011 10:32:01 AM PDT by vwbug
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To: PAR35

The author is an ALLCAPS fruitcake. He is NOT an EE....or at least not much of one. I couldn’t bear to even skim much of it, but he doesn’t even seem to grasp that voltage and current at any given point are not always exactly in phase, either.

7 posted on 07/05/2011 10:32:50 AM PDT by sam_paine (X .................................)
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To: Dick Bachert

What’s the frequency, Kenneth?

8 posted on 07/05/2011 10:42:26 AM PDT by Stalwart
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To: El Sordo
I'm a Sparky. A bit over amped this article but spot on when it comes to dividing the grid. Can't physicaly vary frequency between parts of the grid or even generators, it makes no sense what so ever from an electrical standpoint. If two generators are connected together and one is off by a micro bit the one that is ahead will bog down and the one that is behind will suck the other dry to become a motor to catch up. The become electrically coupled as solidly as if you had the shafts welded together.

The strange thing is the Political effect, It would indeed give control of power grids to the Feds. All this freq mismatch would have to be carefully controlled, and where there is control, there is political power.

As it is now, the control is set to the need to provide electrical power not political power. Everyone syncs to each other, the goal is to get and receive power. There is no technical advantage to degrade power-line sync or freq, there is indeed quite a lot of reasons we worked hard in the 1930’s to overcome that very problem.

If this article is true, is shows a very concerted political effort to destroy the infrastructure of the Nation. Something like discovering you have an axe murderer as a nursery school superintendent, and he is demanding a raise in salary with your daughter on his knee.

9 posted on 07/05/2011 10:44:46 AM PDT by American in Israel (A wise man's heart directs him to the right, but the foolish mans heart directs him toward the left.)
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To: Dick Bachert
To say they will allow "MORE frequency variation" is a lie, because it implies there WAS frequency variation. THERE NEVER WAS, EVER. That is why clocks have used the grid frequency as a reference for 4 generations.

This statement, even thoguh made out of ignorance, is false.
There are small amounts of variation constantly that is why an army of technicians is at work constantly making corrections. The only requirement being that there should be no cummulative variations over a 24-hour period.

Incidentally, I am of the opinion than non-synchronized networks are a good thing. In addition, why would we want to feed New York in case their system crashes? Let them take it up with their Congressmen.

heh heh heh!

10 posted on 07/05/2011 10:50:12 AM PDT by Publius6961 (My world was lovely, until it was taken over by parasites.)
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To: American in Israel

Voltage Regulators and control of MVARS are essential for line stability and are done regionally and by system. If one group (of generators or transmission lines) threatens the stability, they are already cut off by breakers to prevent instability. So far our system of automatic relays and breakers have done a wonderful job of protecting both the generator side and the transmission side. For me, for them to screw with this now is very very suspicious to me.

11 posted on 07/05/2011 10:55:03 AM PDT by BipolarBob (Beer? That's the reason I get up in the afternoon.)
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To: Publius6961

FYI, this just in from a friend to whom I sent this piece. It would seem to buttress the argument that, unconnected, non-synchronous systems ARE or COULD be used in the manner I mentioned.

“My wife and I spent a year in China - and, at times, when the students got out of hand and protested about their school conditions (with every right to do so) the water - and/or electricity - was purposely shut off. If you have never seen school toilets with mounds of shit drawing flies in the middle of monsoon summer, it is a sight - and smell -to behold. It tends to shut down protests in fairly short order.”

And, yes, portions of the current system CAN be selectively cut out (city blocks, subdivisions, individual streets, etc. BUT, with non-synchronous systems abutting one another, connecting to another is not possible.

If you don’t think this crowd is fully capable of doing this, by all means vote for them — again.

Like the man said, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

12 posted on 07/05/2011 11:02:18 AM PDT by Dick Bachert (a)
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To: Dick Bachert
Just saw on the History Channel program How the States got their Shapes that there are three power grids in the U.S. East, West, and Texas.

Maybe we need a few more?

13 posted on 07/05/2011 11:04:02 AM PDT by Yo-Yo (Is the /sarc tag really necessary?)
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To: Dick Bachert

I work more on the process control side than the power distribution side. That said, the lead and lag in phase from a generating station is not that much. There is a great deal of finesse involved, where the 60Hz reference frequency is essential. Letting everything float will raise merry hell on the grid.
I will come back later, I have an appointment in 5 minutes.

14 posted on 07/05/2011 11:06:28 AM PDT by Fred Hayek (FUBO, the No Talent Pop Star pResident.)
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To: Dick Bachert
Don't misunderstand my levity. I was mostly poking fun at the proposal bcause:

It was initially presented as having the trivial results of making clocks unrelieable, as well as microwave ovens, coffee makers etc.

And it was presented for action by a group of ignoramuses that thinks that a nation can spend itself out of a recession and depression by simply printing money.

What's to keep them from embracing the "savings" to have more money to "redistribute?"

There are a very few things on the list of Federal tasks tha are essential for the benefit and welfare of everyone in the United States. I would think this should be among them.
But such a list would leave "wealth dredistribution at around 898th in the priority list limited to 100 items forever.
Can't have that.

15 posted on 07/05/2011 11:29:09 AM PDT by Publius6961 (My world was lovely, until it was taken over by parasites.)
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To: Dick Bachert

Ditto - what is the driver on this? Trying to kill the grid?

Good lucj to you all, I live in Ak, so this is mostly a news story up here - you will have to live with the fallout and outages.

16 posted on 07/05/2011 11:36:55 AM PDT by ASOC (What are you doing now that Mexico has become OUR Chechnya?)
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To: Dick Bachert

For Later.

17 posted on 07/05/2011 11:59:20 AM PDT by WestwardHo (Whom the gods would destroy, they first drive mad.)
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To: Dick Bachert


18 posted on 07/05/2011 12:21:32 PM PDT by JDoutrider
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We are so glad we have decided to put in an alternative off grid electrical system in our mountain house. We have been afraid the grid would go down for various reasons. But maybe Barry has plans to be President for Life and he knows he is not going to get re-elected. It would not suprise me even for a minute. Especially since he seems to be totally ignoring the Congress, the Constititution, Federal Judges and most Federal Law. Maybe he thinks he’s not going to have to worry about it soon. Mmmmm Mmmmm Mmmm!

19 posted on 07/05/2011 12:44:11 PM PDT by Georgia Girl 2 (The only purpose of a pistol is to fight your way back to the rifle you should never have dropped.)
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To: Dick Bachert


1) “Deregulate” the grid and cause a crisis

2) Take advantage of crisis by creating a nationwide smart-grid with a new, massive federal program/agency to implement it...including thermostat control for all new construction/renovation. Old style controls will go the way of the incandescent lightbulb.

20 posted on 07/05/2011 1:11:31 PM PDT by Erik Latranyi (Too many conservatives urge retreat when the war of politics doesn't go their way.)
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