So *someone* got to Donald Trump? Wonder who and why?
Donald got trumped by the deck of race cards played when he went on to the college grades questions.
Trump was bluffing. He had nothing, yet was still able to get Zero to produce a fraudulent document and present it as legit. The bluff worked, as it will lead to Zero’s undoing and the downfall of many corrupt people on te left. I just hope it doesn’t take too long. Sooner is better.
No one got to Trump! He is an ally of the Democratic Party. He was a major contributor to Rham Emanuals mayor bid. He just did this whole charade as part of a coordinated act for Obama to release his lastest phony birth certificate. He was never ever a serious candidate.
This release of the BC accomplished two things:
1. Solved the BC issue for those who never research anything for themselves.
2. Make birthers seem even more crazy.