What are the jews doing about it? We see no action to follow or support.
Don’t ask everyone else to fight your fight. Do do what you need to do and we will support you.
Who at the UN is going to stand up? Relying on the UN is pointless. The bulk of their membership is OIC...65%, and that is why all the UN pronouncements are against Israel... and once Israel is gone, its America!
Too bad “Americans” have “forgotten” who they are.
If it was up to the leftists there wouldn’t be any Jews left anywhere. These same vermin were protesting our involvement in WWII. It is not at all surprising that both the Leftists and Muslims are full-fledged Nazi acolytes.
If Jews, collectively, agitated half as much for de-funding the UN, as they do for abortion-on-demand, gay rights, etc. the UN building in NYC would be empty by now.
“The world” (including the USA) did nothing about Hitler’s threats against Jews until “the world” was attacked by Germany and allies. This time around will be no different.
Netanyahu asks "Where is the fury, international uprising" of the world against Iran for calling for destruction of Jews?Thanks Nachum. Where? The world was at the UN, doing this: