absolute liars.
That said, if the BO Administration had managed to manipulate the number to 9.5%, the MSM would announce with glee for 3 weeks that we are at full employment.
“That said, if the BO Administration had managed to manipulate the number to 9.5%, the MSM would announce with glee for 3 weeks that we are at full employment.”
Maybe they did manipulate from 9.7% to 9.6%...
The sad thing is, this rate is liable to be the best we see for a few years and that is IF we remove the problem now!
“That said, if the BO Administration had managed to manipulate the number to 9.5%, the MSM would announce with glee for 3 weeks that we are at full employment.”
And that ‘clearly the President’s and Congress’ package of stimulants (viagra?) is working!!’