"Lee declined comment through a spokesman."
I wonder why? ;-)
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To: Kartographer
They just want to “keep it real”.
2 posted on
06/02/2010 12:25:12 PM PDT by
(Even the earth is bipolar.)
To: Kartographer
Stung by a series of inquiries, nearly half the members of the Congressional Black Caucus want to scale back the aggressive ethics procedures that Democrats trumpeted after gaining control of Congress. Most ethical Congress in history?
Nancy Pelosi should step down in SHAME.
To: Kartographer
Ethics can be a real pain in the ass to corrupt politicians. The District of Corruption is more corrupt now than during any other time in history.
5 posted on
06/02/2010 12:26:52 PM PDT by
("A Republic, If You Can Keep It" - Benjamin Franklin)
To: Kartographer
The CBC has it all figured out, gut the OCE and the Dems won’t have to worry about ethics violations. Pathetic!
7 posted on
06/02/2010 12:29:24 PM PDT by
(But there really is no free lunch, except in the world of political rhetoric,.: Thomas Sowell)
To: Kartographer
Popinjays - or better, perhaps, a shameful minstrel show, performed by a group best named after the Chamber where they serve. (”House.”)
8 posted on
06/02/2010 12:31:06 PM PDT by
(non est ad astra mollis e terris via)
To: Kartographer
Isnt Congressional Black Caucus an oxymoron in the politically correct sense?
9 posted on
06/02/2010 12:31:47 PM PDT by
Ben Mugged
(Unions are the storm troopers of socialism.)
To: Kartographer
A case of wanting to speak power to truth.
To: Kartographer
C’mon folks, it’s just another facet of affirmative action.
To: Kartographer
Someone needs to post that picture of Rangel looking like a beached whale.
13 posted on
06/02/2010 12:36:29 PM PDT by
("The welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants"-Albert Camus)
To: Kartographer
We don’t need no stinkin’ ethics office!
To: Kartographer
Stupid move by the Black Caucus....reinforces common perception that blacks once again support lower standards, but now for ethics. If the measure has merit, let some other entity propose it....
18 posted on
06/02/2010 12:39:41 PM PDT by
(How's that hopey changey thing working out for you?)
To: Kartographer
Black caucus Chairwoman Barbara Lee, D-Calif., is among the sponsors, but the full 42-member caucus did not endorse the measure.
Guess that means she has some ethic problems and needs them to go away...
20 posted on
06/02/2010 12:44:27 PM PDT by
(OBAMA, Why stupid people shouldn't vote.)
To: Kartographer
22 posted on
06/02/2010 1:01:27 PM PDT by
Red in Blue PA
(Anti-Gunners suffer from Factose Intolerance)
To: Kartographer
They could take care of the problem if they would quit acting unethically. It’s real easy!
To: Kartographer
Stung by a series of inquiries, nearly half the members of the Congressional Black Caucus want to scale back the aggressive ethics procedures that Democrats trumpeted after gaining control of Congress.With the precedent set by our new "president," why shouldn't the criminal class candidly flex their muscle?
They might as well paint a target of themselves, or they might claim racism and argue that in corruption and criminal acts blacks are disproportionately represented.
I can hardly wait for that one!
25 posted on
06/02/2010 1:08:22 PM PDT by
(10% of muslims, the killer murdering radicals, are "only" 140,000,000 of 'em)
To: Kartographer
“Black lawmakers push to cut back new ethics office”
I’f post something but I’d be accused of racism.
28 posted on
06/02/2010 1:20:37 PM PDT by
(In Christ Alone, not man.)
To: Kartographer
Congress. Rep. Marcia Fudge, D-OhioPaging the "That's Racist" kid. You are needed on this thread, stat!
To: Kartographer
Black Congressional caucus. The klan with a tan.
Racist bigots,Crooks and thieves posing as politicians.
Being black and in the Congressional Black Caucus is a license to steal.
31 posted on
06/02/2010 1:23:50 PM PDT by
To: Kartographer
It’s all about the Benjamin’s and keeping the law outta my business! Most transparent administration ever!
33 posted on
06/02/2010 1:25:36 PM PDT by
(History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid - Gen Eisenhower)
To: Kartographer
Statement: "Black lawmakers push to cut back new ethics office"
Response: Yep!
37 posted on
06/02/2010 1:38:18 PM PDT by
(It is a shame that when these people give a riot)
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