To: NormsRevenge
Bingo. This is a winning platform for the party. Despite his initial poor reaction to the AZ law, he is still at least 70% on track with illegal immigration, and rock solid on just about everything else. More importantly, he has tremendous political instincts and great communication skills.
2 posted on
05/15/2010 9:16:53 PM PDT by
To: NormsRevenge
Republican Senate candidate Marco Rubio told an anti-gay marriage group Saturday the country is relying too much on the government.AP never mentioned which "anti-gay marriage group" Rubio spoke to. Could it have been a church group? AP doing its best to hate-monger against Rubio and pander to the SF crowd.
3 posted on
05/15/2010 9:21:04 PM PDT by
(USA is a sovereign nation)
To: JulieRNR21; kinganamort; katherineisgreat; floriduh voter; summer; Goldwater Girl; windchime; ...
Florida Freeper

4 posted on
05/16/2010 5:56:40 AM PDT by
Joe Brower
(Sheep have three speeds: "graze", "stampede" and "cower".)
To: NormsRevenge
Marc Rubio

looking (in this photo) like a young Neal Diamond

5 posted on
05/16/2010 9:53:41 AM PDT by
(I cut off part of my middle finger .......... it almost rendered me mute. -- Rahm Emanuel) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson