To: SkyDancer
Ummm - you? or hire a neighborhood kid?
As a kid growing up in the 1960's I use to cut grass, trim hedges, clean out garages, pick up trash, etc. for pocket money in my neighborhood. I even knew how to rebuild lawn mowers. I would do just about anything for a little extra cash. I never did report income (hope IRS won't come after me). I also delivered papers (120 papers on my route) for several years.
Today the neighborhood kids (at least in my neighborhood) think they are too good to do this work. This is the work for immigrants (illegal & legal). The best thing that could happen is for us to give this work back over to our teenagers. It would be good for the country and would instill a work effort in our young. The only problem I see today is the legal aspect of the work. Today homeowners would probably be scared of a lawsuit that could ensue if a teenager was injured doing normal yard work. Lawyers always wreck everything.
33 posted on
04/29/2010 10:52:45 AM PDT by
(Good intentions are not enough!)
To: truthguy
Right and that’s the problem ... if you hire out you’re responsible if someone gets hurt ... it will come to the point when you take a taxi and the taxi gets into an accident you’ll be held liable too since you hired the cab ....
42 posted on
04/29/2010 11:02:24 AM PDT by
(Those That Turn Their Swords into Plows Will Plow For Those That Don't.)
To: truthguy
When I was a kid I mowed all of our neighbors lawns, picked weeds, shoveled snow, and did what ever I could for a buck.
I was never broke, always had a few bucks in my pocket, and I gave my mother half of what I made.
Today, my college kids have a hard time finding part-time summer jobs because there aren’t any. Illegals have them all. So it’s not because our kids don’t want to work, there aren’t any jobs to find.
Even one of our local schools who usually have summer jobs for kids doing clean up stuff, have started using Mexicans.
To: truthguy; All
Did you know there is a really dumb law in NYS that prevents teens from getting yard work, deli work, etc?
Those under 18 years are not permitted to use any “dangerous” equipment, like lawn mowers, weed-whackers, cold cut slicers, and so on.
You would be out of luck now, truthguy, if you lived in NYS and were just a kid.
72 posted on
04/29/2010 11:41:46 AM PDT by
To: truthguy
Today the neighborhood kids (at least in my neighborhood) think they are too good to do this work.The guy across the street sent his teens over to help with our yardwork once. He said not to even worry about paying them because they owed him so much money.
78 posted on
04/29/2010 11:49:09 AM PDT by
To: truthguy
The best thing that could happen is for us to give this work back over to our teenagers. It would be good for the country and would instill a work effort in our young. Great idea.
97 posted on
04/29/2010 1:36:37 PM PDT by
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