Read the whole article for all the details - i can only excerpt some of it - but one point that emerges is that it was a true grass-roots campaign by determined Christian groups that alerted the public and brought this nonsense to a stop.
The power of the Internet and unintimidated ordinary people must never be underestimated!
Would be interested in hearing from some of you Ontario residents about this, and the feeling in the community there.
As homosexuality is made the new “normal”, reproductive education moves beyond “hormones”, “hygiene”, and “having babies” to sexual positions for sodomites who are unable to engage in sexual intercourse (defined as male-female complmimentary genitalia coupling) and proper cleaning of sex toys.
NONE of that falls under the scope of schooled education.
Ruth Westheimer had a text on advising teens how to engage in oral sex. None of this is new. But having the State push it is.
Which is why they so desperately want to tax and control it!
Truer words have not been said, I thought a woody was an inconvenience with the tight hand me down pants I had to wear.
The power of the Internet and unintimidated ordinary people must never be underestimated!”
I predict that people who will keep their voting registration and support the TEA Party are capable of some of this pushback.
It's not just inappropriate, it's SICK. It is an assault on the psyche and moral autonomy of the most vulnerable among us -- children.
I am not coming from a prudish standpoint either. I am not Catholic or formally religious, yet I object to the State taking over personal matters. Especially when they graduate students who can't find their country on a map of the world, can't read a serious book, can't keep a bank book or make a budget, etc. But they will know how to engage in every sexual perversion, courtesy of the State-run Indoctrination Centers known as 'public skools'.
Forced public schooling is the greatest weapon in the hands of liberals/radicals for turning the entire population into a homogeneous mash of perverted ingoramuses.
I hear home schooling is outlawed in England now.