2 posted on
03/15/2010 9:05:30 PM PDT by
("I have learned to use the word "impossible" with the greatest caution."-Dr.Wernher Von Braun)
To: sonofstrangelove
Somebody is keeping tabs on this boat yard. Google Earth has Sept. '09 closeups.
This is where the Rooskies are converting a cruiser into an aircraft carrier for India.
4 posted on
03/15/2010 9:17:38 PM PDT by
("Those who control language control minds.")
To: sonofstrangelove
Dive deep.
Deep deeper Deeper keep going
Don’t stop diving.
5 posted on
03/15/2010 9:27:01 PM PDT by
Touch Not the Cat
(You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory; it is better to perish than to live a slave)
To: sonofstrangelove
And Hussein will invite them to park it in Maryland.
7 posted on
03/15/2010 9:48:28 PM PDT by
(Stay metal. For the Horde \m/("_")\m/ - via iPhone from Tokyo.)
To: sonofstrangelove
Seems like all the antennas and such sticking out of the top would cause cavitation, make a lot of noise and make them a sitting duck.
9 posted on
03/15/2010 10:21:28 PM PDT by
(Stop the insanity - Flush Congress!)
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