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'Small Government Has Never Gotten Anybody Any Health Care'
NewsBusters ^
| Mark Finkelstein
Posted on 03/03/2010 5:30:46 PM PST by governsleastgovernsbest
Without big government, Americans are nossink, nossinkdo you hear me!?
On his MSNBC show this evening, Ed Schultz bellowed that "small government has never gotten anybody any health care." Got that, you weak, dependent Americans? You are incapable of getting anything done for yourself. Only big government can save you.
Here's how Schultz denigrated the ability of Americans to fend for themselves.
View video here.
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TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Culture/Society; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: biggovernment; edschultz; obamacare
To: Behind Liberal Lines; Miss Marple; an amused spectator; netmilsmom; Diogenesis; MEG33; PGalt; ...
Without Big Government we are helpless! Ping to Today show list.
To: governsleastgovernsbest
Big government has never got anything at a reasonable cost.
posted on
03/03/2010 5:32:46 PM PST
(concerned conservative.)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
Big government never did either, dumb@ss. What’s your IQ, 25?
posted on
03/03/2010 5:34:39 PM PST
(I don't have a superiority complex, I'm just better than you.)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
Well moron, I used to be able to go to a family doctor, take my kids there and pay cash for the visit.
It is because of the likes of commies like you that a single visit now costs $120 bucks.
posted on
03/03/2010 5:35:45 PM PST
To: governsleastgovernsbest
He is a dumbass. Does he really have an audience, or does he preach to the same 15,000 kooks every night?
At least Rush Limbaugh attracts a variety of people to his audience.
To: Recovering_Democrat
15k? I think that is 1000 times too large.
posted on
03/03/2010 5:37:58 PM PST
(I don't have a superiority complex, I'm just better than you.)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
You couldn’t beat someone into being this stupid.
To: governsleastgovernsbest
Correct, Tub O’ Lard, but what small govmn’t DID get us is the ability to pay for medical care ourselves on the spot because it was CHEAPER before big government decided to “help” us.
posted on
03/03/2010 5:40:44 PM PST
To: governsleastgovernsbest
they said the same about housing too— look were that landed us—
To: governsleastgovernsbest
posted on
03/03/2010 5:41:36 PM PST
To: governsleastgovernsbest
He is right. When there is small government, people get their own healthcare for themselves. Small government does not get it for them.
My W2 said I earned 120,000 last year. My Fed, State and local taxes totaled 65,000. If government were cut in half, I’d have more money to buy high deductible health insurance; and to put in a health savings account and to donate to charity and to employ people to improve my house; etc.
To: governsleastgovernsbest
No Schultz, the massive and out of control government has taken the Nation to the brink of disaster and made many citizen’s incapable of taking personal responsibility for any phase of their lives. You are a pathetic excuse for a reporter.
posted on
03/03/2010 5:46:47 PM PST
To: governsleastgovernsbest
Lower taxes have made it easier for me to buy my own. Does that count?
posted on
03/03/2010 5:54:31 PM PST
(Obama: Chauncey Gardiner without the homburg)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
If Health care is free with Government...
Then why is Amtrak not free and run to every city?
Why does the USPS keep raising stamps?
Why does Government charge fees for all transactions and licenses?
posted on
03/03/2010 6:03:19 PM PST
( hunt some rinos 2010)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
"'Small Government Has Never Gotten Anybody Any Health Care'"
Yeah...we know...that's why we like SMALL GOVERNMENT.
It should have read:
"'Small Government Has Never Gotten Anybody Any Hijacked our Health Care'"
posted on
03/03/2010 6:06:32 PM PST
(Those of us who love AMERICA far outnumber those who love obama - your choice.)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
Small government has never gotten anybody any health care, and that is a great reason for having small government. This issue is really about the choice between freedom and equality. If a nation or political leaders want equality, it will become a socialistic or communistic state. If it wants freedom, it will become conservative or libertarian. You cannot have freedom and equality. Freedom allows people to succeed and to fail. Some people will have more than some others. The liberals are statists. They want equality by taking from those with means and giving it to people with needs. It is not fair for someone to have more than someone else. That would not be equality. The statists want everyone to have equal medical care. The only way for that to happen is for the government to control health care. Everyone has to have the same crappy health care. Of course, those in public office will have much better care. Everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others.
To: governsleastgovernsbest
Ed Schultz bellowed that "small government has never gotten anybody any health care."Really?
Our world-class health care system -- the one foreigners flock to -- is the *result* of small(er) government and less interference.
Shouting your lie louder doesn't make it any more true, Eddy boy.
posted on
03/03/2010 6:26:07 PM PST
(Seriously. The only way Obama can possibly pull this out is to declare Martial Law before November.)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
Hey Schultz.......Constitution mean anything to you, idiot?
posted on
03/03/2010 6:30:53 PM PST
To: mulligan
"You are a pathetic excuse for a
reporter human being, let alone an American."
My version...
posted on
03/03/2010 6:41:42 PM PST
(Ammo is hard to find! Bought some lately? Please share where at
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