Posted on 03/03/2010 4:49:42 PM PST by RobinMasters
Nothings certain but one of them looks solid and, given Pelosis margin, even one is potentially disastrous. Lets start with the solid. Blue Dog Michael Arcuri, come on down!
Arcuri, who voted in early November in favor of the House version of the health care bill, said he is against the Senate bill for three main reasons:
* He doesnt want to see the bill passed as a mega bill, and he believes more success would be had by breaking the bill apart and passing aspects of it incrementally, he said.
* Arcuri also said he isnt comfortable with the possible Democratic strategy of passing the bill through reconciliation. This would get around Republican opposition by having the House pass the Senate bill, then the Senate would make amendments requested by the House, and the House would pass the new Senate bill. In other words, a Republican filibuster in the Senate could likely be avoided.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Not ALL Dems are suicide bombers for Nancy and Barry.
More blue dogs getting cold paw pads.
Yeah, but I just heard Obama is buying the vote of the lone dimoKKKRAT from Utah. Obama just appointed his brother to the court of appeals and having the rat over for dinner tonight.
The smart “Yes” voters are holding out for more money, positions for their family, new offices, etc.
ObamaCare will be passed.
It’s part of the FU American Taxpayer Agenda.
Like Fred Barnes asked today to the airhead Dem drone on the panel with Brett Baird on FoxNews..”Give me the name of one member who switched from No to Yes”. Where are those phantom switchers, the ones the MSM proclaimed were in the bag for Pelosi? The gay pervert resigning today , Massa and 4 Yes votes retired or dead and now 2 public defections. It’s Dead Jim.
Enough with this crap. You LIBs want this bill so much, then I have a deal for you. For every dollar of “savings” that isn’t saved, that dollar comes out of YOUR pocket.
The question is how much the special deals for “yes” votes will raise the cost of the bill.
Its a win-win situation for the Dems. If it passes, they claim they’ve “made healthcare affordable”, and if not then they can blame Republicans for “denying health needs of Americans”.
They can’t even get their own RATS to vote for it so how is it the Republicans fault?!
By then .. The damage will have been done!
I believe Massa voted AGAINST the bill and indicated he would not switch and vote for it now.
Massa’s from a red district. But he’s a socialist. If Pelosi needs his vote, she’ll have it.
Everyone, put the pressure on your reps and senators hard. As hard or harder than you did the first time. It’s closer to 2010. Make it clear a vote for this gets their ass out of that power chair they like so much.
He doesn’t think the bill goes far enough, and if he’s quitting he could care less about pleasing Pelosi.
check Hugh Hewitt's website for a list of hot prospects and fire off some emails and calls.
Fire away !
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