Posted on 03/03/2010 4:24:06 PM PST by Evil Slayer
RUSH: Let's go to the audio sound bites because I promised. April 25th, 2005, at the National Press Club, Senator Obama spoke about changing the filibuster rule.
OBAMA 2005: A change in the Senate rules that really, uh, I think would change the character of the Senate, uh, forever. [snip] Uhhh, and what I worry about would be th-th-that you essentially still have two chambers, the House and the Senate, but you have simply majoritarian, uhhh, absolute power on either side, and that's just not what the Founders intended.
RUSH: Then he cared about what the Founders intended. He doesn't care a whit what the founders intended now. This was about, just to review, the "nuclear option" on judicial appointments. The Republicans controlled the Senate and the House. And remember the battle cry back then was, "Remember the rights of the minority! Remember the rights of the minority! It's not right. We shouldn't have one party running every branch is bad." They were whining and moaning. They have the exact situation now and everybody everything they said back then about filibuster rule is no longer operative. Let's go back, November 2, 2004, election night, CBS TV, Obama said this about passing legislation in the Senate.
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People forget that his lips were moving.
At that time, Obama was so sure of himself, that he assumed everyone would go along with his socialist agenda. He hasn’t learned a thing, but in desperation, he will lie, cheat, and break all ethics laws to get this passed. He needs to be in jail, not the White House.
obama never keep his promises. Everything he say now, can be changed later and the media will never call him up on all his inconsistanecy
obama is also a proven liar. This is not simply a difference of opinion. He lies and break promises
Take back America,,,,,Wolverines
Another lie by the pathological liar. You could predict the future if you listened to what he said and planned for the exact opposite.
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