Posted on 03/03/2010 1:15:54 PM PST by milwguy
U.S. Rep. Michael Arcuri, D-Utica, said Tuesday he would vote against the Senate version of the health care bill that could soon go before the House of Representatives for approval.
Arcuri, who voted in early November in favor of the House version of the health care bill, said he is against the Senate bill for three main reasons:
* He doesn't want to see the bill passed as a mega bill, and he believes more success would be had by breaking the bill apart and passing aspects of it incrementally, he said.
* Arcuri also said he isn't comfortable with the possible Democratic strategy of passing the bill through reconciliation. This would get around Republican opposition by having the House pass the Senate bill, then the Senate would make amendments requested by the House, and the House would pass the new Senate bill. In other words, a Republican filibuster in the Senate could likely be avoided.
* The Senate bill differs from the House bill in ways Arcuri said he dislikes. He cited a provision that would tax benefits on insurance policies, expand Medicaid eligibility, provide an unfairly low amount of funding to the state and not allow for negotiations on prescription drug prices.
There would have to be some dramatic changes in it for me to change my position, Arcuri said.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
First Rat afraid for his job announces switching to NO! More afraid of the voters than witch Nancy. Expect him to get a call in the middle of the night from one of Rahm's minions.
Ironically, some of the Democrats switching sides to oppose this bill is that with no “public option” it’s not socialist enough for them.
“...provide an unfairly low amount of funding to the state ...”
Where’s the states? They should be pounding on this MASSIVELY.
Maybe he got scared about gay Massa quitting in his state.
State governments should be rallying against this.
Another ‘Rat putting out his hand towards Rahm......I hope we’re able to track where the 30 pieces of silver come from for each....
That’s OK by me. I figure their motives are always supect anyway. Just so the RATS flip.
I would like to see them paid better so they would have more to lose.
“He cited a provision that would tax benefits on insurance policies”
WHAT??? I haven’t heard of that (one of many things in there I’m sure)! So if I get into a major car wreck and need $500,000 worth of surgeries and such, I will have to pay taxes on that?
Good God.
I tried, but the form requires you to say you are from NY (i'll contact some other way to offer thanks, while stating my real address).
This is my rep. He will be receiving a letter of encouragement from me ASAP.
Can Bella Pelosi flip any of the "no" votes from last time? After Massachusetts I would think there's be a dozen or more "yes" votes from last time that could flip.I'm not sure that there are enough "safe" RATS and RATS who are ready to give up their cushy gig "for the children" to give Bella the needed votes.
he’s not the only one I’m sure
Way to go, People of Utica! Obviously you put the Fear of God into this guy and made him soil his diapers.
She doesn’t have the votes, and she won’t have them.
Did Obama pass out white coats AGAIN today?!
I think you call this a PROP! Unlike the 2700 page bill that Obama called a prop during the 'summit' last week.
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