Posted on 03/03/2010 1:07:21 PM PST by antidemoncrat
President Obama urged Congress to schedule a vote on health care reform in the "next few weeks," declaring Wednesday that it's "time to make a decision" on the package that is the product of a yearlong debate.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
We already made our decision.
Why do the Russians get a “reset”?
If we have to make a decision now, why wait a few weeks? Wny not vote right now? Unless, of course, you don’t have the votes, do you Mr. 0bama?
It’s like the rats are playing a game of chicken with each other. All the rats are going as fast as they can to the edge of a cliff and none of them are blinking.
What kind of an imbecile would have his country under the this horrific health care bill that NO ONE including uhbama himself, fully understand.
uhbama can take his backroom made, unfair, horrific health care bill and stick right up his fancy, if inept, self.
He always rushes and presses for a vote on bills that NO ONE UNDERSTANDS because that smuck DOES NOT WANT US TO FULLY UNDERSTAND THE HELL THAT IS IN THAT BILL.
He is a bad man.
And a worse leader.
What is he going to do if by someway this thing doesn’t pass? I understand that he will blame the Republicans, but how? They don’t need any Republican votes.
Then the super nuclear option will come into existence (whatever that is). In other words, for this man and congress, this will pass come HELL or HIGH WATER.
I agree, kill it now. But if it has to be repealed, to that too.
The problem is that 0bama, Reid and Pelosi are “true believers” in socialism, and this is their “holy grail.” They are closer than they have ever been before and are so close they can taste it. They will do anything to push it over the hump. Right now, I don’t think they have the votes. But they will push and push and push until they do, and then have their Easter weekend midnight vote.
Well Buckwheat, nearly 70% of We The People have already made the decision and the answer is a resounding NO.
YOU and your racist tribe can TRY to make us slaves, but you’ll have to murder a good many of us and it won’t come without a very significant price.
Obama is America’s First FAILED “light skinned African American [Pres-ent] with no Negro dialect..”... and he will eventually fail at his damn reparation programs, such as healthcare.
That's my final decision.
What is he going to do if by someway this thing doesnt pass?
He is then going to try and cram thru as much as he can get piecemeal. It was all over the news last week.
Obama and friends don’t stop the healthcare train until they meet an overwhelming response.
Lieberman Warns: ‘Nothing bipartisan is going to happen this year’ if healthcare rammed...
“What worries me,” Lieberman said, “is Republican colleagues I’ve talked to, some of them usually trying to work with Democrats on individual pieces of legislation, have said to me if healthcare reform is forced through by reconciliation, nothing bipartisan is going to happen this year.”
Hopefully your socialist agenda won't pass, if it does, we will change the rules in November. Then it will be Republicans passing laws in the Senate with 51 votes.
The procedure, purportedly, is for:
a. The House to pass the Senate bill.
b. The House to then pass some form of Obama's "new" bill.
c. The Senate to then pass the House version of Obama's "new" bill, abusing the reconciliation process as necessary.
However, it's worth noting that if the first step of the process is completed, they have their friggin' healthcare bill!
Even if the House is unable to muster a majority for "Obama's Bill"...or the Senate cannot bring itself to consumate "reconciliation"...the Senate bill can now be signed into law!
Accordingly, the primary battleground is now in the House. And it involves their vote on the Senate bill.
If the House actually passes the Senate bill -- the battle is over!
EXACTLY! The People have decided they have said NO over and over again!
>> If the House actually passes the Senate bill — the battle is over! <<
I don’t think so, because the U. S. Constitution says very clearly that all revenue bills must originate in the House.
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