Posted on 03/03/2010 7:10:30 AM PST by milwguy
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebeliuss Wednesday meeting with CEOs from the top five insurance companies and the National Association of Insurance Commissioners has been rescheduled due to scheduling constraints, said HHS spokesman Nick Papas.
The meeting will now be at 11 a.m. Thursday. The location has been moved from HHS to the White Houses Roosevelt Room.
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Welcome to Obamacare, where the gov't will force everyone to buy health care, whether they are young and healthy or not. The big 5 insurance companies are more than willing to trade off Obama's threats of setting their rates in return for getting a big piece of the the 30 million pie. They think their protectors in Congress will protect they from Obama if he tries to tell them where they can set their rates. How wrong they are! If you sleep with the devil, don't complained when you get burned.
Typical Obama tactic....he claimed ‘Caterpillar’ said one thing, and the next day we find out it wasn’t true.
Aren’t you sick of the Obama thuggery, Tyranny, and fatcat buddies, yet?
The government cannot force everyone to by anything. It’s unconstitutional......
Freedom must be fought for, it’s not handed down in the bloodstream...
WH clearly afraid of Health Insurance Industry or Big Pharma jumping off-board as terms of the deal keep changing
The government cannot force everyone to by anything. Its unconstitutional......
You are correct. But they will fine you none the less. Not sure what healthcare plan the bammalots are selling this week, but the Senate plan would mean you would be fined $750 a year for not participating. The neat bail out is you are always able to buy the socialized plan at any point in the future. So the recommendation I was given by some smart Legislative Assistants was to pay the fine until you actually needed castastrophic care and then sign up for it that day. This would be the cheapest way to be insured: cash plus fine convert to plan when needed. Don’t know how long this would remain an option, but then can’t figure how they would close the loop. They clearly may raise the fine, but I am not so sure that would sell either. So go figure - sh!tty healthcare for about $750 per year.
Obama wrote his own version of the bill and brought it to the Summit - a Politburo style of gov't - where he reigned supreme.
and now, he's having more huddles in the WH.
When is Congress - when is ANYONE - ANYONE? - going to explain to him that we have separation of powers?
The Executive Branch DOES NOT WRITE LAW.
CONGRESS writes law.
He is WAY overstepping the bounds.
Does no one dare reign him in?
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