1 posted on
02/27/2010 3:10:12 AM PST by
To: Scanian
He got his skinny butt kicked.
2 posted on
02/27/2010 3:45:15 AM PST by
(Keep yer powder dry and watch yer top Knot.)
To: Scanian
3 posted on
02/27/2010 3:58:27 AM PST by
(Pro-Choice = Pro-Death........ Pro-Life = Pro-LIFE!)
To: Scanian
Must be why the MSM more or less spiked the story.
To: Scanian
We demand that congress live under the same rules they pass for the rest of us. They have forgotteen that they work FOR US - - - NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.
5 posted on
02/27/2010 4:20:43 AM PST by
(HEALTH CARE: We want what Congress has or leave us the Hell alone. . . . .)
To: Scanian
The White House expected a slam-dunk at Thursday's health summit -- another tour-de-force by President ObamaLike Copenhagen? Massachusetts? New Jersey?
9 posted on
02/27/2010 6:12:20 AM PST by
(Pat Caddell: Democrats are drinking kool-aid in a political Jonestown)
To: Scanian
“The president’s advisers seemed to expect the Blair House event to repeat President Obama’s triumph at last month’s House Republican retreat in Baltimore.”
I didn’t think the Republican retreat was a trumph for Obama and Thursday’s submit was certainly not a trumph for him. He lied and monopolized the time at the retreat and he lied and monpolized the time at the summit. I was very proud of the Republicans at both events.
11 posted on
02/27/2010 6:29:03 AM PST by
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